Back to Work.

I promised photos.  Soon come.  I’m having a problem with Dropbox. I can’t download the pictures.  They’re there, but when I click the download button,  (on Windows) I get an error message. I can download them from my Android one by one, but windows zips multiple files into one file.

When I got home Friday, LT the cat was sitting on my car.  Saturday morning, he was gone. He’s missing now. He was sick while I was gone, taking medicine. I fear the worst.

This has not been a good morning.

Here We Go!

Headed back to Cayman this  morning. It’s 6:24, leaving at 7:30. I’m packed and ready.

It was a great class, but for me, the best part was the weekends, seeing friends I hadn’t seen for 35 years. There was still lots of people I didn’t see that I wish I could have.


I’ll be glad to get home though. Really glad. I miss my wife, the dogs and cats, and the beach and sun. I have been freezing the whole time I have been here. I’ve been taking Sudafed and taking steaming hot showers every time I come into the hotel room. One thing I will miss though, is my hotel rooms giant bathtub.


The pic doesn’t show it, but it’s huge, a doublewide. I took my first bath in maybe 40 years. But to be honest, it wasn’t  that great. I prefer showers. And the sea!

That’s it for now, when I get home, I have tons of photos and a few videos to sort. And I’m sure there’ll be some I’ll be showing you here!

Monday I’ll be checking all of your blogs too!


Last Day Of School!

Today is the last day of school, tomorrow, it’s back  to Cayman!
I am very excited about heading home.


I woke up too early this morning, 4:30. I feel kinda irritated and grumpy for no apparent reason.
I’ve started packing and I’m getting ready to go tomorrow.
I don’t have much to say today, I’m kind of worried about  making all the connecting flights tomorrow.
Just get me home!

Moberly Missouri


Classmates I haven't seen since the 70's


Me at my old school


Moberly Magic City

I went to Moberly last weekend, first time since a visit in 1979, my family moved from there in 1977. I’ve got tons more pictures….


Mr Gunn and me

It’s Countdown To Cayman  week, Friday it’s back home!!

Have a good week!

Harley Davidson Manufacturing Plant, Kansas City




Yesterday we took a break and went to the Harley Davidson Factory. It was quite interesting. No pictures allowed in the factory, these are from the lobby. The tour started with a 10 minute history of the Harley Davidson Company, then the tour of the factory.

It was excellent,  and for the first time in a very very long time, I felt pride in being an American

First Day Of Spring/Last Warm Day

Today at 11:57 local time is the minute the sun will be overhead at the equator, the start of spring in the northern hemisphere. Here in Kansas, the temp is supposed to rise to 70 degrees F.


Tomorrow, back to a high of 45, It looks like it will be cold in Kansas till I leave to head  home to Cayman, one week from tomorrow.

Happy Spring!! Enjoy your day!


Yesterday morning, the weatherman was all smiles, talking about how warm it was going to be. It was the coldest day yet. Not necessarily temperature-wise, but it felt like it. I went out and bought long underwear and put it on in the store. Mine are black, like these.


I’ve been freezing ever since I got  here. It seems colder and colder the longer I stay. I need some hot sun.

I have to do laundry…. again. Tomorrow is the equinox, the days will be longer than the nights starting tomorrow. Thank God.

Almost Halfway

One week ago, it was our first day of school. It seems like a long time. I guess that tomorrow or the day after is the half way point in the training. I have a feeling the second half will seem to go a lot faster than the first.

Today we start the second piece of equipment, the VOR. we’re pretty done with the DME except for some review at the end.

That’s about it for today. Have a good one!