Tropical Storm Fiona is born. She’s probably going to curve north of Cayman.
There was good, steady rain last night and this morning.
King Charles already disgusted me, he said everybody has to delay the funerals on September 19th until after the Queen’s funeral so we could all mourn the Queen properly. I have a friend from here who was getting buried there on the 19th.
And Friday is almost here again. Yeay! This weekend my Home Gardening course starts.
This morning I picked my biggest pepper ever off my mutant plant. This is the plant seeded from the bell pepper seeds but the peppers are all shaped like the picture. They taste like bell peppers though. The other plant makes bell pepper shaped bell peppers.
Went to have a dental cleaning yesterday. She had her forearm on my chest and my head was touching her side. It occurred to me that “this is the first time I’ve felt anybody else’s body heat in probably two years. I think that’s why greeting hugs from friends don’t count as human contact.
Anyway, it was interesting.
Yesterday, it was raining and I took a lunchtime nap in my van. I think I slept really deep and hard. Tess good.
Last night I dreamed I was on the beach and the ex wife came walking by. She was wearing a modest black one piece Nike swimsuit and had a dog on a leash in her right hand and a yellow kitten in the crook of her left arm. I didn’t see the dog I was alone on the beach but scrambled to get away from the person sitting next to me as I stood up so she wouldn’t think we were together. The ex wife was smiling and looked happy and healthy. It was a pleasant dream and good to see her.
Today is a Wednesday, the weather is looking good. (West Bay (center of the universe) DID end up getting some good rain yesterday after all, if you read yesterdays post.) I expect today will be a snorkeling lunch hour.
Ya know what really grinds my gears? The fact that it rains everywhere else except in my yard
As you probably know, I live in West Bay (center of the universe) and as for being on an 8 mile X 22 mile island, it sure does segregate the rain. I can drive home through flooded streets all the way home only to find dry pavement and sunshine starting a quarter mile from my house. Repeatedly and consistently.
Right now there’s clouds all the way around here, thunder, lightning and I can actually see rain coming from the clouds…over there. Not a drop here.
There’s a saying in Cayman, and you have to see it to believe it. “It can rain in George Town and not in West Bay, but when it rains in West Bay, it’s raining all over the world”
Friday afternoon, I took half the day off work, mowed my yard. I was super glad to get that out of the way.! Friday night, went to the 1 year anniversary dinner of One Heart. It was great! Best time and company I’ve had in years.
Saturday, i took my tennant who was renting the downstairs apartment to the airport and began cleaning up for the next renter. Wanna come visit? Now is the time!
also Saturday, at about 13:16:40 hours, I passed the milestone of one billion seconds clean and sober. That’s about 31 years 8 months.
Sunday, nobody was diving, so I signed up for a 7AM class. I thought it would be crowded, but it was nobody but me and the instructor, and I again enjoyed wonderful company along with quite a workout. In the future, I figure I can make that 0700 class and still make it to a 0900 shore dive…. Beats trying to make a noon class after the dive and missing lunch with the dive crew…
I needed to tidy up a little around the house, and around noon Sunday, decided I needed some bookends. So, on a whim, I made some. More like a mini shelf, really. The ends can slide along the bottom board, making it adjustable.
my outdoor I need more books.
I gotta say, for less than an hours work, it came out pretty good. I’ve had this old scrap piece of hardwood for years and years and it was perfect for this project. I could have spent infinitely more time on it and made it all fancy, but I got it working and left it there, I like it. It’s rude and crude, just like me.
Sunday, later in the afternoon, I went to a birthday party where there was entirely too much food.
Things seem pretty good this week, it seems like money is trying to fly out faster than I’d like. But it doesn’t seem to be bothering me like it seems it would.
i tried to mow the front yard yesterday afternoon but the lawnmower ran about 3 minutes and quit. Wonder hew they’re going to behave when I take it back
Tomorrow I report again for possible jury selection. I hope I can avoid it yet again. Although this case is only expected to last a short while and might be interesting.
and I’m off to work on a Thursday, havea fantastic day!
Yesterday afternoon I picked the above radishes. They look quite nice.
There’s a lot more, but they seem to be very small so far. Hopefully they’ll grow.
The green part of my carrots are getting tall, but I pulled one and the carrot was about an inch long…
Although its fun, my yields aren’t what I had hoped.The lettuce was very good for a very short period of time before going to seed and turning bitter. I’ll be planting more this weekend.
There was a guy in a country called Delgiun who drove trains for a living. He loved his job, he wanted to drive trains since he was a little boy. Unfortunately, he liked pressing the trains to their limits.
One day he wrecked a train because of going too fast and killed one person. He went on trial for murder and was given a death sentence.
For his final meal, he asked for one banana. He ate the banana, got hooked into the electric chair and the switch was pulled. Sparks flew and the room filled with smoke, but the train driver was unharmed.
According to Delgiun law at that time, surviving an execution was considered an act of divine providence and the man was set free.
He ended up getting his old job back. Unfortunately, not too much later, he wrecked another train and two people were killed. Again he was tried for murder and sentenced to death. For his last meal, he requested two bananas.
He ate the two bananas, got hooked into the electric chair and the switch was pulled. Sparks flew and the room filled with smoke, again, the train driver was unharmed.
Divine providence again. He was set free and ended up again getting his old job back, driving trains. Unfortunately, he didn’t learn his lesson and soon wrecked a third train, killing three people. He was again given a death sentence.
For his final meal he requested three bananas. The executioner refused, and against protocol, without a final meal, the train driver was strapped to the electric chair, the switch was pulled, sparks flew and the room filled up with smoke, but again the train driver was unharmed.
The executioner was speechless, the train driver saw this and said, “the bananas had nothing to do with it, I’m just a poor conductor!”