Busy busy weekend

it was a very busy weekend. Friday afternoon I picked all my “crops” and am starting the garden all over again. I have a handful of carrots and radishes. Saturday I finished the Home Gardening Course in the morning and then went to the Veterans Ball in the evening. Sunday, operating on too little sleep, did a 90 minute yoga class and then went diving. When I got home, I mowed the lawn. The mower has a new blade on it and ran perfectly. I was able to mow the whole yard in a short time, because the mower didn’t die every 3rd step. It wasn’t bad at all.

And now it’s Monday and headed back to work.

Pleasant Good Morning To You

New Stove.

I have not yet taken a sip from my first cup of coffee from the new stove. I imagine it will be much the same.

Pleasant good morning to you, happy Friday. I had a good sleep last night.

some people from the department of agriculture came over yesterday and evaluated my “farm”. I learned that the lemon tree in the yard is actually a Suriname Cherry, and not a lemon at all.

And my lemon tree that has been dying for a year has. A plethora of problems. I looked many times and saw nothing, but the Department Of Agriculture people showed me well camouflaged caterpillars, eggs, these weird flies and now that I’ve seen them I can see them, but before that they were invisible.

Happy Friday and have a good weekend!

New Stove

Today I’m getting a new stove. Mine’s ok, but a burner is intermittent. Plus it’s white when everything else in the kitchen is black and stainless.. Plus there’s a 20% off sale.

I can’t help but feel sad for the old stove. I know it’s dumb, but it’s been around a long time and part of the family. Just throwing it away when it’s finished just doesn’t seem fair.

Goodbye old stove!

The new one is being delivered today at approximately 10AM.

Kenneth Joy

My first cousin, and probably oldest friend. Died yesterday. Apparently he was poisoned by water at Camp Lejeune when he was a Navy Corpsman there.

me in the stroller, Ken pushing.

He was only a few months older than me.

i will be finding out more today.

Standard Weekend

It was a good weekend. Friday I was off work. I helped our Rabbi build a Sukkah for Sukkot. Saturday was my third of four Home Gardening Course sessions and Sunday I had friends and their puppy over for dawgie play day and burgers on the grill. My house is nice and clean right now. A true rarity.

All of a sudden, some of the girls at the yoga place want to hook me up with their single friends. This is exciting but also makes me a little nervous. On one hand, I’d feel better finding my own girl, on the other they might do better than I would. Also I ask myself if I’m ready. I guess I’m ready to start at the beginning, not jump in the deep end.

Anyway, most of the things I worry about never happen, so ..

Have a good week!

Use It Or Lose It

It’s Friday and I have the day off. I am starting to “use it or lose it” for my vacation time this year. I’m taking Fridays off all Noverember, Thursdays and Fridays off in December and the last two weeks of the year off.

I plan on doing a lot of yard work and beach time. Today I’m helpung out Rabbi build a Sukkah for Sukkot, which starts Sunday. A long time ago, the Hebrews were commanded to make a pilgrimage to the temple in Jerusalem, and a sukkah is the tempory shelter they lived in.

After that I plan on having lunch at the Westin!

Have a great weekend and a happy Friday!

Twinkle Twinkle

I took this picture at the ice cream place a week or two ago. My little brother or sister had one, and I plated Twinkle Twinkle Little Star on it and my parents thought I was a musical genius. .

I then played piano for the next several years. Never wanting to.

Yesterday was Yom Kippur, it’s supposed to be a great year!

Happy Thursday, I have a lot of vacation time to use or lose before the end of the year. Looking forward to using it!

Have a great day

International Taco Day 2022

Yeah! International Taco Day again! I hope you get to enjoy many many tacos today!

I’m glad today that jury duty is over. I was in a funk yesterday. The world is a much better place today.

i had a small harvest from the garden yesterday afternoon.

i just washed them and ate them. That carrot is about 3 inches long! Huge.

And I’m off to work. Have a great day!

Ruff Weekend

New Storm Coming?

i had kind of a rough weekend my lawnmower shot an almost golf ball size rock into my ankle and I feel lucky I can walk. It filled my shoe up with blood before I could even bandage it. Then I hit a root and bent the mower blade 90 degrees. So I didn’t even finish mowing the yard.

my jury duty, for which I was placed on the jury September 21st, still hasn’t started. My service was due to end on the 4th Tomorrow is Yom Kippur, and it looks like I will be missing services. I thought, on the 21st, that the 3 day case would easily be over by the end of my term.

last night, from about 2AM, I had the recurring dream that I had slept through the alarm and was late. I kept waking up and looking at the clock and immediately feel like I slept through the alarm.

my attitude, at this minute, is pretty frustrated. I don’t want to go to work I don’t want to go to jury duty I don’t want to do anything but bitch and moan.

have a wonderful week.