Double Swims

Yesterday I stopped at Governors Beach and swam the 800m after work. I was thinking, I could swim at lunch hour AND after work!

That would be nice and help alleviate my horrible lack of exercise/stagnation problem… Doncha think?

Have a good weekend!

Good Swim Yesterday

Since the last sea swim, I haven’t been doing much lunchtime swimming. We had a couple weeks bad weather with extensive damageto the ladders and the rinse off facilities, and laziness/motivation issues. Extra busy at work…

Yesterday was the second time I swam in about the last three weeks.

It was really good to swim yesterday. Enjoyable during and after the swim.It has to be priority again.

It’s almost Friday!

The Ice Pick

I frequently have the sensation of an ice pick in my chest. Usually in the front left corner of my ribcage, to the left of my heart. Sometimes it feels like it’s stuck directly in my heart.

When I’m meditating, it moves to the opposite side, the right rear corner of my ribcage. My meditation teacher said I should focus on that spot when meditating.

I can feel the spike in me, I try to imagine the handle poking out. It’s not unpleasant, just a thing.

Happy Tuesday!

Typical Monday Post

It was a nice weekend, seemed long. Friday after work, I dropped my vehicle for service, Had a lazy evening at home.

Saturday I did aomw yard work, and picked my vehicle up in the afternoon.

Sunday went diving, pictures above.

Typical Weekend, Typical post. Nothin’ to see here folks.

Have a great week!

Try The Roof

As you probably know, i’m a very poor sleeper. When I wake up in the morning I do my exercise and meditation on my sundeck roof. I saw three satellites pass overhead this morning.

When I can’t sleep tonight, I’m gonna go lay up there because it was nice and peaceful and cool.

It’s what I built this house for and never do it.

Have a great day!

Daisy The Instigator?

Daisy has been under training for quite some time about her excessive barking. Last night the door was open, the breeze was blowing and Daisy was trying to not bark, but she was whining and pacing. She was being generally annoying about the other dogs we could hear outside, down the street and in the area.

Finally I had no choice but to put her in her kennel. Surprisingly, as soon as she lay quietly in her kennel, all the other dogs in the neighborhood shut up too. It was a perfectly peaceful quiet evening.

So my question is, was Daisy whining and making noises at the other dogs, or were the other dogs barking and making noise at Daisy? Is she the instigator?

It’s something to ponder.

Have a wonderful day!