Rainy Friday

it’s a rainy Friday here, it’s also our last long weekend until november. The holiday drought begins.

Above is a panorama View from my front porch. Of course, it’s not raining right now, because I put my house plants out. .

I’m ready to get into work, because I’m ready to end the workday so I can start the weekend!

Have a good day and weekend!

John n Cindy Visit

My friends from Virginia Beach, John and Cindy, who now live in Florida, came down last week for a visit. John was teaching a rebreather trimix course and was quite busy the whole time but we had time to get together for a couple dinners and Cindy and I did a dive last weekend.

They fly back out today, and it’s kind of disappointing that John was teaching diving the whole time, and I had to work.

John is the one who taught the instructor course when I became a scuba instructor way back in 1995.

Hopefully they’ll be back sooner rather than later!

Have a great day!

Copa America

Last night I stayed up late and watched Brazil VS Costa Rica. (Go Coast Rica!) It was a good match but ended nil-nil, which for me, is disappointing. But it was nice watching some football. I seldom watch anything televised.

I’ve heard Venezuela is the team to beat these days.

Hazy skies here today gonna be hot, hot, HOT!

Phishing Weekend

It was a rainy weekend. It was both a long and short weekend. I worked this weekend. I have friends visiting from the US, an instructor here teaching a rebreather trimix course.

I almost got bank scammed this weekend. I got an email saying I needed to update my personal information, click here. I clicked there and it was a login for the bank. I just couldn’t bring myself to fill in the form because the bank says they will never do what they did send an email with a link for me to log on. Although it’s their policy not to do so they have done it before. It was the bank’s intention to update my information, over email. I was angry and ended up going into the bank to turn in the paperwork instead of doing it online. I was very adamant and angry and told them to never do that again. But when I received the email I believed they had done it again, just like they did it before. This time I forwarded the email to the phishing department. And they said it was a fake. Good thing I didn’t fill it in.

Below are images from a rain dive yesterday. Scuba divers don’t like diving in the rain because they don’t want to get wet.

have a good week

How Can I Get Grass?

My yard needs grass, but there’s so many chickens all the time, digging and eating, eating and digging, I’m sure they’d eat all the seed I could throw down.

when I moved into this house I raked all the rocks up from the yard, then chickens came digging and dug up more rocks. Then I had landscapers for a while, who came in with leaf blowers and blew away all the dirt, leaving more rocks. Now my yard is more gravel than grass (a horror to mow). More weeds then grass. In fact, there’s hardly any actual grass at all.

.How can I get grass?

Need A New Lunch

Ive been eating lunch meat sandwiches at lunch for decades. I gave up bread for wraps, but basically the same thing. Decades

I can’t stand it anymore. I don’t hate sandwiches, just the ones I make. Store bought sandwiches and restaurant sandwiches are great.

I have no idea of anything else available. I know I’m not going to spend thousands eating in a restaurant every day. And I’m not giving up my beach/swimming lunch hours to actually get lunch on my lunch hour

What are my options? Starve?

Snow Crash

Indiana Jones meets Ready Player One. Very enjoyable read. Grabs you in the beginning. Let’s you go a little in the middle with the explaining part, but quickly grabs you again with its good plot, characters, action and concept.
Hiro is an expert swordsman pizza delivery guy by day. He’s also an expert swordsman computer hacker and a bigshot in the metaverse, (an online, virtual reality world).

Y.T. is a 15 year old cute girl. She’s works as a “Kourier” (courier). Kouriers deliver their packages by “poonng” (attaching an electromagnet sling to passing vehicles) and catching a ride on ultra sophisticated skateboards. Her mother, a government programmer, has no idea Y.T. has such a dangerous job.
Computer virus’s might have already come out of the computer and been infecting humans for millennia, causing drastic, sudden historical changes.
Imagine if you could simply look at an image and it reprograms or destroys your mind (like a computer virus)
Hiro and Y.T. have to save us all from the next big virus release.

I enjoyed this book. Worth reading.


Above is a picture of a frogfish. Can you see it? He’s tiny, 5 would fit on your pinkie fingernail. I took this picture yesterday..Below are two of the same pic, drawn on to show the fishparts

Frogfish are masters of camouflage. I saw one once before, years ago. How was bigger than your thumb, but just as invisible. First you see the eye, then slowly the rest of the first. Especially if he moves

Yesterday was the King’s birthday holiday, which is why I was out diving instead of working. It rained hard while we were underwater, and it was dark. But it was a good dive.

Saturday was the Flowers One Mile Sea Swim. I did it in 44 minutes and 15 seconds.

it’s cloudy here and looks like it might be a rainy week

have a great day!

Cat S22

I bought a new phone, Cat S22 Flip. It has Android 11 and a touchscreen. It fits in my pocket. It is waterproof and “rugged” is the spec listed.

Im still moving into it, seeing if it’s going to work out.

Im so glad it’s Friday. I can already tell the weekend is going to be too short. I need to mow and the Flowers Mile Sea Swim is Saturday

Have a great weekend!