Happy FlyDay! That day at the end of the workweek where I get on an aircraft and fly of on holiday!
I should have good internet and I’ll let in touch with you all!
Have a great weekend!
Mike recommended I try this browser and I’ve been checking it out. I haven’t made the permanent switch from Chrome yet, but I like the way Brave works and it seems to really really block the harassment advertising.
Today is my last work day before a vacation! Have a GREAT day!
I’ve started this book, The Handmaid’s Tale and I’m about a quarter of the way through. I must say, it’s far exceeding my expectations..
It’s in the future, the main character is a handmaid and she lives in the commanders house.
Practically everything is illegal. Reading, talking without permission, looking around
There seems to be planetary reproductive problems, and once a month, after a visit to the doctor, she has very non sexy sex with the commander to try to make a baby..
As a handmaiden, she always wears a red dress. Other women with different titles, wear different color dresses. And that signifies their job.and place in society.
Its very bizarre, and it’s written very well.
happy hump day!
I read this article on the BBC website HERE and thought it was postworthy.
The post office thinks it was “outside the system”, meaning someone had it in their possession for a long time and dropped it back in the mail relatively recently.
It would be fun if they found some descendants to give the card to.
Have a great Day! (Unless you’ve already made other plans
I went diving Saturday and Sunday this weekend, it was great! Below are pics from Saturday.
Sunday I didn’t get any pictures, my camera housing flooded and I took the camera out of the water. No harm done though, the camera inside the housing is waterproof too!
I used for the first time , a mask with prescription lenses in it, what a vast improvement!
I have a short week this week, Friday I head up to the USA for a few days.
Burger King, lost a lawsuit to a company in India. The restaurant, named Burger King, had been around a full decade before BK USA arrived and thought they could shove the little guy around. Read the article HERE.
I hope the real Burger King (India) got compensated for dealing with BK USA blowin’ smoke up their ass for 13 years
A similar thing happened here in Cayman years ago. McDonald’s tried to sue the original real restaurant, Macdonalds, and lost.
McDonalds opted to never open a restaurant in Cayman rather than change their golden arches name on a planetary level.
And FYI, Macdonalds is better than McDonald’s ever could be!
Happy Friday! Have a great weekend!
I went to the opthamologist yesterday, I am totally cleared for swimming, diving, exercise, standing on my head, everything! I took my new prescription to the optometrist and should have one new lens for my glasses next week. I’m ready to get back in the water! I hope to swim at lunch time today. I haven’t swam since July 14th.
In other news, today is 850 days in a row of meditation. I am looking for another meditation class to take.
I didn’t really consider 850 to be a big deal, but the app did. I’m looking for 1,000.
Have a great day!
I took this picture this morning. It was totally dark, except for a nearly full moon. The camera automatically compensated to give the light clarity in the picture. I go to the beach every morning on a little path to the right of the tree in the center.
These casuarina trees make a very distinctive sound when the breeze blows through them. A soothing cottony sound. Royal Palms make a quite distinctive sound too. I imagine almost every tree type, with its different foliage, makes a unique sound.
I’m a freak, listening to trees….
Have a great day!
August 20, 1977, the NASA space probe Voyager 2 was launched. 2 weeks later, Voyager 1 was launched.
Now, both are outside the reach of our solar system, in interstellar space.
These two vehicles will almost definitely survive longer than humanity, maybe even longer than the Earth and our solar system itself. I think sending these probes out is far and away the coolest thing the human race has ever done.
We are (were) here!
Happy 47th anniversary Voyagers!
Have a great day!
Thiis weekend , I cut off my beard.
At first, I was going to keep the moustache, but it looked like a frowning walrus.
So I cut it off too.
I’ve been thinking about shaving for a while. I have razors I need to use up..I bought a hundred pack a long time ago And I didn’t like the grey..I had a beard for almost two years
So.far, few people seem to notice. Pretty sure they’ll notice at work though.
Have a great week!