Shorter Workweek

In the Cayman Islands, a 37.5 hour work week is standard. (I put in 40+ normally)

I’ve often thought that it will be better to have four 10-hour days than five 8 hour days.

Spain is now switching from the 40 hour work week to a 37.5 hour Work Week. Read the article HERE

A long time ago, I had a whole lot of comp time on the books, and work three day work weeks for several months. That’s the way to do it!

I think that the USA has the least amount of vacation time, not not sure how they stand on the scale of work week hours.

But, when it comes to work, less is usually more fun!

Have a great day, take off early!

Mountain Person

New Zealand has granted “person hood” to a mountain. And a river, and a forest

“Mount Taranaki, (now known as Taranaki Maungajoins) Te Urewera, a vast native forest on the North Island, and the Whanganui River in being recognised as people under New Zealand’s laws.”

This was done for the New Zealand Aborigines who consider the mountain to be an ancestor.

I think it’s pretty cool, not sure of the real implications, but you can read the article here.

Happy Wednesday !

No Cure For Ugly!

I got it. Resting Bitch Face. Guys get it too. If there’s a different name for inflicted males, let me know.

A dolphin has a natural Non Resting Bitch Face, they have a natural smile. Because of this, they look happy all the time. I think life would be a lot easier if I had a natural smile instead of a natural frown.

When I see myself reflected in a store window, or I see a picture of me that I didn’t know was being taken, I’m surprised at how mean and angry I look. Shocked even.

Does.anybody have any solutions? My answer is always maintain a maniac smile at all times. At least try to remember to…

Then I’ll look like this.

Have a great day!

Kindle Scribe Pen

my Kindle scribe pen has developed a problem, it will continue to write when the tip is not touching the screen. This means that when you’re writing it keeps writing when you lift the pen. There are lines meandering all over the place as I write. Not an uncommon problem. The answer seems to be whack the pen, which I find unacceptable.

it might be time for me to upgrade to a Boox Tab Ultra C 10.3 Inch Color E-Paper Tablet

I use my Kindle for reading and writing I would expect to use the Boox the same way, but it has a lot more capabilities. It is an Android tablet.

I’m also looking around for a new compatible pin for the Kindle Scribe..

Happy – it’s almost Friday day!

Tree Crime

ive mentioned this tree before, HERE

This was a beautiful , unique tree. I think it was a white birch, it had paper white bark and the most incredible bright yellow foliage at times. I’m sure there’s a picture of it on this blog and it’s yellowness but I have been able to find it.

Walking the dog yesterday, I instantly noticed it gone.. today I left the note for no real reason. It’s too late now.

Very disappointing.

Coincidentally, I just started reading this book:

Happy Wednesday!

Book: Beach Read

Finished this book Sunday evening, Beach Read

Two authors, both have writers block. She writes romances and his writing is more gruesome. They make a bet. They’re going to write novels in each others genres.

Her name is January, his is Gus. They start a relationship, but it’s complex. He’s married, January is crazy about Gus but Gus is hot and cold towards January.

January has inherited the house from her late father. He shared this house with a local woman that he was having a long term affair with. Gus just happens to live next door.

January is resentful toward her dead father for fooling around on her mother.
Later, she realizes parallels between her father and his mistrress and herself and married Gus.

In the end, everyone is forgiven, and everyone lives happily ever after.

After a good start, the romance starts and the plot dies down. The plot concludes almost as an afterthought. (The bet)

I gave it 3 stars on Goodreads. I don’t think I’ll read any more romances. I never thought the second half would end..

AND! Happy anniversary to me! February 4th, 1997, I arrived in the Cayman Islands! 28 years ago today!

Have a Great Day!

Your Monday Photos

Some pictures from yesterday’s scuba dive. An octopus in the hole, a ribbon nudibranch, two butterfish (I think they’re butterfish), and in the lower right, I don’t know what it is! It was about an inch long, moving relatively quickly across the sand.

And a few more: Venus and the moon a couple days ago, our neighbors porch view, and my dessert after Friday night sushi

Now it’s back to work, the second month of the year already, 2025 is 8% completed.

Have a great week!