Little Guy Wins!

Burger King, lost a lawsuit to a company in India. The restaurant, named Burger King, had been around a full decade before BK USA arrived and thought they could shove the little guy around. Read the article HERE.

I hope the real Burger King (India) got compensated for dealing with BK USA blowin’ smoke up their ass for 13 years

A similar thing happened here in Cayman years ago. McDonald’s tried to sue the original real restaurant, Macdonalds, and lost.

McDonalds opted to never open a restaurant in Cayman rather than change their golden arches name on a planetary level.

And FYI, Macdonalds is better than McDonald’s ever could be!

Happy Friday! Have a great weekend!


I went to the opthamologist yesterday, I am totally cleared for swimming, diving, exercise, standing on my head, everything! I took my new prescription to the optometrist and should have one new lens for my glasses next week. I’m ready to get back in the water! I hope to swim at lunch time today. I haven’t swam since July 14th.

In other news, today is 850 days in a row of meditation. I am looking for another meditation class to take.

I didn’t really consider 850 to be a big deal, but the app did. I’m looking for 1,000.

Have a great day!

Morning Tree

I took this picture this morning. It was totally dark, except for a nearly full moon. The camera automatically compensated to give the light clarity in the picture. I go to the beach every morning on a little path to the right of the tree in the center.

These casuarina trees make a very distinctive sound when the breeze blows through them. A soothing cottony sound. Royal Palms make a quite distinctive sound too. I imagine almost every tree type, with its different foliage, makes a unique sound.

I’m a freak, listening to trees….

Have a great day!

Voyager Spacecraft!

August 20, 1977, the NASA space probe Voyager 2 was launched. 2 weeks later, Voyager 1 was launched.

Now, both are outside the reach of our solar system, in interstellar space.

These two vehicles will almost definitely survive longer than humanity, maybe even longer than the Earth and our solar system itself. I think sending these probes out is far and away the coolest thing the human race has ever done.

We are (were) here!

Happy 47th anniversary Voyagers!

Have a great day!

Baby Face

Thiis weekend , I cut off my beard.

At first, I was going to keep the moustache, but it looked like a frowning walrus.

So I cut it off too.

I’ve been thinking about shaving for a while. I have razors I need to use up..I bought a hundred pack a long time ago And I didn’t like the grey..I had a beard for almost two years

So.far, few people seem to notice. Pretty sure they’ll notice at work though.

Have a great week!

Time For A New Banner?

the picture in the above banner, is from Holbox, Mexico in 2010. I’ve been thinking it’s time for a new banner, almost identical perhaps with me sitting in a pool, but no cigar and I now have a beard. I’m 15 years older now than I was in that picture .

The existing banner kind of sets the identy of the site perhaps…

Any ideas for a background ? Any ideas at all?

Happy Friday !!!

Viruslike Advertising

The other day I was on YouTube and exited because I couldn’t close an ad. Even after I exited, the advertisement kept on playing even though I had closed YouTube and cleared all the running apps on my device. In this case, I hit the power button to stop the advertisement.

On my drink water app it will sometimes pop up an advertisement after I make an entry, but before I can enter the amount. This makes me use the app killer, then go back to enter the amount of water. I’m not going to watch a 30 second advertisement when it takes 5 seconds to make an entry on the app.

In the beginning days of computers, this was the goal of the virus. To take control of your device. To open a program that the owner of the machine could not shut down. Now the advertisers are using the virus techniques to run their advertising.

if you’re advertisement displays the qualities of a virus or a worm or a hijacker then it should be treated as if it actually is a virus a worm or a hijacker and you, the advertiser, are the bad guy.

let me guarantee you this, if you are an advertiser and you employ this virus like technique to try to force your ad upon me, I will boycott your product till the day I die and tell all my friends to do the same.

Be Advised.

Travel Light

I really enjoyed this book, finished yesterday. Many self-help books, while being helpful, are boring. This one isn’t boring. There’s a lot of good things you can use as a daily meditator and is the kind of book you will come back to reread.

Also the author recommends that you open it up to a random page and read randomly, this is also the kind of book that that would be easily done. All the parts are good and mostly “free standing”, in other words, the meaning isn’t lost when taken out of context.

Very enjoyable to read.

Working on 1000 days of AUM

Have a great day!

Tuesday Picture Post

This morning’s sunrise.

A gigantic leaf from a plant I thought was dead.

I had travel dreams last night. I have a couple trips booked, both to the US, but I want to make it to Panama this year.

Have a great day!

The End Of The Olympics

I didn’t really follow the Olympics this time. What caught my attention most was the boxing, where the gender was in question of some of the contestants. If the contestant in question was born female, with a female passport etc etc etc, why was this contestant eliminated from previous events because of gender?

Also the open water swimming in the polluted river. The Olympics had the surfing portion in the Tahitian Islands. Why not have the triathlons and swimming there?

I understand there was the break dancing in the olympics?? Is that a sport?

I read an article recently about it not being worthwhile for a city to host the Olympics, The expense is millions on stadiums and facilities and then after the Olympics those stadiums and facilities are not used. The article went on to state that only two cities volunteered to host the Olympics. It used to be many cities wanted to host the Olympics.

But like I said, I have not followed the Olympics I see the clickbait headlines on the internet browser, I don’t know if my opinion is accurate or not. But the Olympics seem pretty disappointing for someone who didn’t even really look.

Happy Monday have a great day!