Quiet Rainy Weekend

It was a very quiet weekend . Saturday afternoon was a workshop on meditative breathing and yoga pose alignment. It was quite interesting and seemed too short

During class, I felt like I had a feather in my throat. A tickley cough. By evening, it was a full blown sore throat. I went to bed before 7 on Saturday night and got up after 7 on Sunday. Sunday, it seemed to be a cold. Hopefully now I’m on te upswing from my first Cold in years

Im exhausted after a long, sleepless night.

Ba humbug

Fixthings Friday

Above is the “sunrise” this cloudy morning. Walking the dogs was very quiet , no breeze, no sounds but chickens..

Yesterday afternoon I moved the wifi router downstairs to improve the signal in the apartment. I had to re-open a hole in the drywall to make the cable run U-turn.

This afternoon (or this weekend) I’ll fix the hole and hang the router on the wall downstairs.

Have a great weekend!

Responding To Messages

When I received a message, I respond almost immediately. I must be the only one. Most others take hours, days, or don’t respond at all.

I wonder if people think I’m desperate by replying instantly. I don’t think so. To me, not responding might be kinda rude. It makes me feel unimportant to the person I’m messaging. Of course, a person’s phone is their tool, to use as they wish.

Its still odd, a conversation lasting over days, where the I respond immediately, like a talking conversation, and they reply like they’re mailing a letter snail mail.

What are your thoughts on responding to messages?; Sooner? Or later?

Have a great day!

Windy, Rainy, Lugubrious

I’m lovin’ it!

Its windy, cool, spraying rain. AX is off!

Yesterday, while breezy, wasn’t really cool temperature – wise, but this morning is cool. I wore a jacket on the dog walk with the raincoat on top of that. It was very cozy.

Now I’m headed off to work.

Have a great day!

First Cold Front

We had our first Cold front move through last night. It’s nice and breezy, but in my opinion not very cool. It’s a weak cold front I think. But still it’s a start. I hope to soon be able to turn off the AC and open the doors.

Its mid October, and this is just the first of many crisper, cooler days. Looking forward to the day I need my jacket for the morning dawg walk!

Have a great day!

Perfect Weekend Past

It was a very active weekend. Friday, as you know was the Yin & Violin event. It was much better than I expected, I was in a very relaxed state quite unusual and different than. Sleep state or meditation state. Amazing.

Saturday midday we had an eclipse. It was about 79% coverage here, but cloudy sometimes. Above are pictures I took with my phone and a welding mask lens.

Saturday night was the Cayman Islands Veterans Association gala. I had a nice.time there too.

I wore my Navy uniform.

Sunday was a beach day, Beach yoga in the morning, then a swim (stand in chest deep water and talk to people) Then coffee and breakfast at the Westin.

I helped.the Rabbi take the Sukkah down in the afternoon. It comes down a lot easier than it goes up!

And this morning I seem to be perfectly on schedule to head off to work.

Have a great week!

Friday The Thirteenth!

it’s Friday the 13th, my lucky day.

I’m looking forward to the weekend.

Tonight is a Yin and Violin event at my yoga place, tomorrow is the Cayman Islands Veterinaria Addiction annual ball.

Should be a good weekend!

Venus and the Mini Moon

Above is a picture I took this morning of a sliver of moon and Venus.

At least I think it’s Venus..

Many of you will experience an eclipse this Saturday. I’m not sure how it will be down here.

Another weekend is almost upon us!

Have a great day!

Quarter Till Five

I set my alarm to go off at 4:45. It’s been seeming like I’m a little short on those in the week-mornings, so I’m getting up earlier. This morning, I was laying in bed, certain I had made a mistake, that the alarm wasn’t going to go off at all, but I refused to look at the clock. Finally it did go off and here I am

Above are some pre sunrise pics from this.morning. it was very red.

Have a wonderful Wednesday (seems like this is the second Wednesday this week, doesn’t it?)


Better The Second Day

The brisket I made Sunday was better cold Monday than fresh hot out of the oven . I’ll be eating it every day till it’s gone and probably won’t buy another one. Too much for one person.

Running late, have a good day!