This morning is my first cup of coffee from my Tia Cynthia in Costa Rica, brought up by my yoga and pickleball partner on her visit to Costa Rica. It is quite good, of course! Best on the planet.
It’s also Friday , two fast weeks in a row. It’s nice when the workweek goes fast, it isn’t so nice when the weekend flies by
Here’s wishing you a fast workweek and slow weekend!
Above is an old plane and an old fire truck at work. The plane has been sitting there as long as I’ve worked there. Over ten years. The fire truck has been there not as long. Both are being reclaimed by nature, it would seem.
Last night at class I introduced myself to someone. We traded names and she seemed kind of familiar and I asked if we’d met before. She said she had seen me around, that I was the “social one”. I was taken aback and kind of walked away in a curving loop back to her and said “I’m not really social, actually, I’m really quite shy.”
Nobody has ever said anything like that about me. The social one Hahahahahaha! I generally see myself as sullen, grumpy, unapproachable, and always alone.
Kind of, if I don’t look directly at it, I can almost see the problem, the insanity, the pieces that don’t fit together. The grumpy bastard and “the social one”. The two extremes with nothing in between. (I’m told there IS nothing in between, but not sure I believe it yet.)
It was an interesting experience. A view from a different angle.
When I was in the Navy, my ship went in the drydock. During that time, we the crew moved into barracks. We needed to get back and forth from the ship to the barracks and I became a US Navy School bus driver! That was fun!
At first, the bus seemed huge, but after a while, it became manageable and I was zipping around, changing lanes, backing it into parking spaces and it became easy and fun to drive.
After I got out of the Navy, one of my first jobs was with a scale company, and that involved driving a large truck loaded with test weights to repair and calibrate roadside truck scales. That was a fun job too! Big boots and huge giant wrenches and crowbars. 500 pound test weights, dirt n dust and toughness! And the funny thing, the truck was about 200 pounds overweight! I knew it though. If i ever got weighed, I’d pull the truck onto the scale and try to jump out of the cab before the weight could be read. Depending on fuel, just might make it by! And the operator always knew why I jumped out too!
And there’s yer first flashback Friday in a long time!
My friends got back from Costa Rica and brought me coffee from my Tia Cynthia. I can’t wait to try it.
I feel nostalgic about the coffee, my friends visiting the familiar house of my Aunt. I wonder if I’ll ever be there again? The last time I was there, I never dreamed it would be the last time I’d be there.
I’ve been to Western Australia, I’ve been to Bunbury, about an inch south of Perth on the map.This object was found in Green Head, about three inches north of Perth on the map. You can read more about it HERE.
I like weird things like this. I’ll be following up on it. I’m sure this particular object is a spaceship and there are aliens inside. Finally.
Happy birthday to my Grandfather, Damon E Grim. Born 18 Jul 1895, died in 1976. My favorite relative of all.
I’m sad to see my visitor go. I had a great time and hope she did too.
It was a good almost-a-week.
I had requested another vacation day today, but I kind of withdrew it before it was approved. My co-workers wife was in a traffic accident and he is taking time be with her.