Above is this mornings sunrise. It was a nice one! It’s also very close to the new moon, so maybe the moon is hidden in this picture too
Not much to post this morning. Another workday! Have fun!
What is the deal with the capers jar? How are you supposed to get them out? No fork, no kitchen tool will fit inside. Someone said that you can use your knife-like vegetable peeler to get them out, but i don’t have one and it’s still doesn’t answer the question on why the jar is so teeny tiny!
Thats my rant for the day. Havva goodun!
17 April 2005 was my first post on this blog. You can see it here. I never intended to write a blog. i went to blogspot to learn what blogging was because i didn’t know. Then I created an account, because I thought I had to, then i posted a post, because i thought I had to. And here we are today.
the funny thing I remember is how hard it was to find other people’s blogs in the beginning. Not a problem anymore for me but I wonder if newbies today have that problem.
Happy Birthday! Have a good week!
I ruined my espresso maker yesterday. A few days ago one of the mini welds broke on the wire handle. I thought I could get it fixed easily. I should have just left it alone. I’ve been using it every day for 21 years. It would have been good indefinitely even with the broken handle. But no, i took it to a welder who butchered it all up. It burned through to the inside. The welder had no awareness of what he was doing.
Today i made coffee with a P.O.S. aluminum one. I’m very disappointed. But I do have a new one on the way. Hopefully the same quality as the one that was destroyed.
Happy Friday!
it’s better to sell ice cream than to give it away free. If I sell it, then even if a person who has only a little money can get some ice cream. If I give it away free, people may take more than they need or want and in any case, I’ll run out. Then someone who wants ice cream won’t get any.
This is something my counsellor and I discussed the other day. After we talked about it andit soaked in a few days, I had to call him back to re-explain it.
In short, if you sell ice cream, you can make everyone happy. If you give it away free, you can’t.
I’ve been one to give away my ice cream for free. Some take all they can, knowing I’m’ a fool for giving away free ice cream. The others are unhappy because they wanted some ice cream and I didn’t have any.. Nobody hangs around long.
My dawg Lenny, seems to have a food fetish. He will scoot the bowl off into a corner or under a chair and use his snout to shovel the food out of his bowl onto the floor. He seems to eat little or none of the food.when he’s doing this. It seems like some sort of perverted messmaking hobby He will eat normal when he’s hungry.
After the title and picture, aren’t you disappointed by the paragraph above? I am!
Also, when Lenny’s going to drink some water, he slowly slowly slowly, moving statue, sneaks up on the water bowl. Then laps water as loud as possible, splashing it to the maximum
He definitely has some kind of weird psychology going on whenit comes to food and drink. He’s always been a bit freaky.
Today is my boss’s last day at work. I applied to fill the position, but haven’t heard anything. The new boss is sure to not be as good as the old boss though.
Have a fantastic day!
Its a Tuesday, better than a Monday. I am getting ready to head out the door for work.
A have all of the above above! I got this from Lil Prisca, her blog is more college level while mine is closer to kindee-garden level. Her’s is worth checking out.
Yesterday, i had several great ideas for a post.. None of which survived the night. I woke up alert before the alarm,fell back asleep and woke up brain damaged. Duh.
Have a great day and wonderful week!
its a holiday Monday here. It has been a good long weekend . I have kept busy but noticed a phenomenon. I can be busy all day, and if I have an hour idle between activities , i feel like I’m wasting my whole life. Awareness is more than half the solution though. Now that I know I do it, I can easily knock it off.
But it’s a good weekend. Beach, pickleball, yardwork (a little), yoga, went to a cookout. My Bluetooth headset died after over a year of constant use and I replaced it with the same kind.
Im trying to add a 5th cat to my crew of 4.
The first shot of a cute yellow and white cat that been hanging around. Seems to get along with the other four too!
Have a happy Monday
Tomorrow and Monday are holidays here in the Cayman Islands. Good Friday and Easter. I’m looking forward to the time off.
Last night was the first night of Passover, i went to a Seder and ate way too much. It was fun. Good company.
And thats about it for today. I stayed up late and am tired today.
Today i was doing my daily Duolingo. There are parts where the student speaks out loud.. I was thinking, that if i was not in the house alone, i would be self conscious about talking out loud like i do?
Then i started thinking about how I would behave differently if someone else was around. Would I change a lot? Not that much? I’m not sure. To this day, I still pretend the wife is here when I get up in the mornings i keep the room dark and keep the dogs quiet like I did when she was sleeping there. Hopefully there will be someone else sleeping there some day.
So what is normal? If i get to a place where I like myself, then in a relationship, can’t be the me I like, what good is that? On the other hand, interaction requires change and adaptation. I can’t be inflexible.
In the past I think (a little bit) I have lost myself, trying to be the person i think the other person wants me to be. That ain’t no good. But maybe a little is good?
This is something for me to think about, and I have no idea what this is like for other people.
What say you?