Starting yesterday, Friday the 3rd, it’s illegal for me to feed my cats!*
I’ve been feeding my feral cats for over 10 years, I’m not going to stop because of some new law. Just throw me in jail right now, and feed my cats for me while I’m away!
There used to be seven cats, now there’s four. I have one now, yowling in protest at the indignation of being in a kennel. He’s on his way to the veterinarian.
Now chickens, i can see how feeding them is criminal. They steal my cats food, poop on the pavement and dig up my yard. You can throw them chicken feeding mo’fo’s in the slammer and throw away the key! I have to guard against any chickens getting any food in my yard, because if they do, they’ll be back, and they”ll bring their friends. Curse you chickens and you evil chicken feeding bastards. 😁
AND! Happy Anniversary to me! February 4th, 1997, I arrived here in Cayman, hoping to stay as long as they’d keep me. Feb 4th 2023, 26 years today! I’m still here, and grateful every day for it!
I thought it was a great book that needs to be read more than once. This book is like a novel, it’s more or less about the same people the whole book. It’s also like a book of short stories because the chapters are not necessarily related to each other. The chapters don’t seem to be in proper time order. One chapter is all pictures and charts. This book is different than any other book I’ve ever read. It’s good, it’s interesting. and I recommend you read it and tell me what you think. I did spend some time lost, and this book might be better the second (or third) time it is read than the first..
Have a great Saturday and Sunday, see you Monday! I’m off to the walk/run.
(* I know, I know, the article says nobody can feed them on public property, so feeding my cats in my yard is legal, but it’s fun to rant and rave, ya know?)
I slept pretty good last night, but I’m tired right now.. I took it easy on my morning exercise this morning. I have a body full of sore muscles, and I plan on swimming at lunch. I won’t mention yesterday’s chin-ups.
After work I have a pickleball lesson. From what I understand pickleball is exactly like ping Pong except you’re standing on the table. Seriously, it looks like tennis.
My Android had an update available this morning, i installed it without fear or hesitation. It installed flawlessly while I was in the shower. I haven’t checked for new features, but I’m using it now and so far everything works ok. As always.
Not so with Windows updates. Practically everyone i know has automatic updates turned off on Windows. When an update is available, it is usually avoided, at best researched and verified bad bits rejected. If you choose to install, it is a gruelingly long, interactive process . And then you almost immediately find problems with your machine.
I have had a Windows boycott for many years, and it’s nice. I have windows at work, unavoidably, Also i have the laptop at home that i use mostly for external hard drives. When I turn on my windows laptop to move files from a flash drive to a hard drive. It’s a nuisance getting to the OS to do the job, like “Let’s finish setting up your email”. Let’s not.
On my laptop,it takes 20 minutes to get to the screen to do a 60 second job. Windows at work, Microsofts arrogance still continues to amaze me. They think I know what I want better than I do.
Saturday was an 800 Meter Sea Swim. I did’t swim well, I went way off course, but it was still good. Saturday evening, I went to the movies and sau A Man Called Otto. Loved it. Complimented the book.
Sunday saw me go to an early morning yoga class, which left me feeling great, followec by coffee on the beach at the Westin and then a scuba dive.
I planned on house cleaning and yaard work after that but took a nap and did very little cleaning. I went to bed early and don’t think I woke up once all night, except 4 minutes before the alarm, and I went right back to sleep.
And now it’s back to work, and I’m actually looking forward to it.
I was sound asleep and out cold when the alarm went off this morning. I can’t remember my dream but the alarm clock was part of it. I did my morning routine, including making breakfast and lunch (this morning instead of last night), and now I’m running late!
this weekend there’s a half mile swim, and a Sunday scuba dive. That’s all I know so far.
BU is short for bus, because that’s about how big this asteroid is! It will pass whisker close in the next few hours.
If you look in the ” junk news” we’re going to probably get creamed by an asteroid every day. But when you see such a headline, glance down at the source, and it’s usually some news service no one has ever heard of before. But this is coming from a reliable source..
worrying won’t do any good, and it’s probably gone by by the time you’re reading this anyway.
See the picture above. When I was a teen in the ’80s, my friends had a beanbag chair break. The styrofoam pellets inside were practically impossible to clean up. Static electricity made them jump away from the broom on a tile floor. Imagine trying to clean a shipping container full and clean them was by hand, one by one. That’s what they’re doing in France and Spain. It’s impossible to do.
In my personal experience from decades past, these pellets are possibly one of humankinds worst creations.
France is taking legal action, but what good will it really do? Plastic pollution is harming sea life and this will affect us all. Humans need to stop manufacturing these pellets and all non biodegradable packing materials. Even the large styrofoam peanuts are difficult to deal with.
I don’t know how to end this post. I remember the strange qualities of the pellets, trying to clean up after that burst chair. I can’t fathom a container full.