The Protector

I woke up last night at the usual time, middle of the night. I felt the panic attempt to grab me but I evaded it. I can’t really describe what happened. I could feel it rising and I don’t want to say I pushed it back down but it advanced then inexplicably retreated. Normally I am unsuccessful at any attempts to control my “night madness” and I was pleased and relieved to have a hiatus.
However, my assignment was to examine the panic and determine what it is that grasps me in the middle of the night every night. I know what it is in a way, fear and aloneness. But that is too vague. I must identify (and alleviate?) the roots.

This morning, thinking about it, I remembed ‘the protector’.
My other assignment, which I had forgotten, was to identify and observe “the protector”. (I had asked if I was possibly schizophrenic when the protector was described to me) When things that I want to look at run away to avoid being examined, that is “my protector” protecting me. It thinks it’s protecting me from things it thinks are too painful for me to look at.
This morning I tried to examine the fear and the protector hid it from me. I admit at the time that I was pleased the fear went away but this morning I realized that that was not the objective. It was not doing me any favors.
We’ll see what happens tomorrow.. I’m ready to enter the haunted house.

In the meantime, I am in a great mood today, for which I am thankful, and, it’s my Friday! (Remember, Thursdays and Fridays off, rest of the year!)

But, more importantly, in the news, Scientists have found clitorises on female snakes. It wasn’t necessarily that it was elusive – rather, scientists weren’t really looking for it.

Have a GREAT day!!

World Cup Finals

I haven’t been watching this World Cup, but it’s getting pretty close to the end. I’d like to see Argentina – Morocco in the final, with Argentina pulling it off in the end.

Have a terrific Tuesday!

Artemis Moonship – Safely Home

The Artemis moon mission was completed this weekend Read an article HERE. It will be cool to still be alive when humans return to the moon. Maybe establish a permanent moon base.

it was a nice weekend. Quiet restful somewhat productive. I tidied some areas like my desk and my nightstand. I found and sprayed for even more caterpillars, out front this time. It’s just nonstop, I tell you. There were none, then they just appear.

im out the door for work! Have a great week!

Crazy Swap

Swapping a receational pot using basketball player for “The Merchant Of Death” international arms dealer. You already know about it but you can read the article HERE. The US probably could have gotten 100 prisoners exchanged for this one. Not that I think swapping prisoners is a good idea. Both were apparently guilty.

I find it unbelievable and shameful. The USA should be embarrassed.

Happy Friday.

Dec 7th

A day that will live in infamy.. Two years ago, Manrique, my father in law and best friend died. In my mind, this event, somehow was the catalyst that precipitated my divorce.

I’m not going to go into how I’m still fucked up from it.

In other news, my poor poor lemon tree is under attack again, this time by beautiful green caterpillars.

I plucked almost a dozen off the plant and flushed them down the toilet. Today comes the caterpillar killing spray.

ANd, today is my Friday and I’m glad about that

Clean Bill Of Health

Laat Thursday i had my annual physical and got a completely clean bill of health. All the numbers look good, blood pressure, heart and lungs, all good.

In previous years, ever more numbers were going out of specs. Last year my blood pressure suddenly shot up and my kidneys were under investigation.

This year, all good.


Silly Selfies

It was a good weekend, beach and food and friends.

I didn’t take any pictures. I need to start taking more. People, especially young people seem to be always taking pictures and selfies. I feel silly taking a picture of myself.

Anyway, im out the door for work on another short week! Have a goodun!

Doing Nothing (so far)

December 1 – Calendar Icon – Vector Illustration

I could have slept late, but I didn’t, I got up on “normal workday time’ and did my morning routine normally. Since then, I’ve been kind of lazing around. I made a list of things I want to get done this weekend and that’s about it.

I’m getting ready to get moving now, I guess.

Happy December. Hurricane Season is over! Yeah!