Yesterday I took Ashy to work with me and on the way started having doubts. Where were my reminders for this appointment? I looked at my calendar and it said the appointment was Friday. Naw, I’m sure it was Wednesday.
I called the vet and it is indeed on Friday.
So I took Ashy back home. She didn’t really seem to enjoy the car ride. Too bad, back in the car tomorrow.
This morning I was on my roof, looking at the sunrise and listening to the birds and other sounds. I started thinking about what a cool job it would be to be a Mars Rover operator. Go to work early, put on the 3D goggles, and the headphones and sit there on Mars and watch the sunrise and hear the sounds. No birds, but maybe some wind.
Jupiter from Mars
I saw an article yesterday about Mars’s moon Deimos passing in front of Jupiter. See the article HERE.
Jupiter apparently would look quite large from Mars at its closest. It would be a cool thing to see.
Today Ashy the cat is going in for a checkup. Hope she’s not too miserable at work with me.
I came home yesterday afternoon and thought the litter box was stinking. I keep it pretty clean anyway and it didn’t seem too bad. I figured the cat peed outside the box somewhere, but all inspections revealed nothing unusual.
Finally I realized, it was one of the two guavas a friend had given me. One was “over”, I threw it out the back door. The other seemed pretty good so I cut it in half, delicious looking beautiful pink. I took a bite.
It tasted like smelly armpit.
I threw it out the back door too.
The cat pee smell is gone too. Not sure how I feel about guavas anymore..
Yesterday i reported that I dreamed about it, today it is a reality. The cat has a new bed in her new “secret hiding spot”. She got in it immediately after dinner and seems to like it very well. Yeay!!
We had a good rain shower this morning before the alarm. Our dawg walk was nice and cool with very clear, starry skies. I picked some lettuce and used it in my lunch (chicken wraps).
And the weekend is almost upon us. I have targeted the areas in the yard that need weekend attention.
Took a couple shots of Goldie and the dogs this morning. Usually Knip is right in there too. The cats don’t mind Daisy, unless she’s off the leash. Then they run. And Daisy chases. She likes to play too hard.
Yesterday was my first of two classes about “How To Stand On Your Head” I did it! First time ever! I had a wall behind me, but hopefully next week I can get rid of the wall. I practiced this morning too.
i didn’t really think it thru, the instructor finally got me up and said “congratulations on your first headstand.” I said, in Beavis and Butt-Head style Hehe everything is upside down” Everyone laughed and I really enjoyed the class.
Overall, it was a good weekend. Mowed the yard. Glued the pot the cat knocked over. It needs more work, and it’s never going to be the same. But maybe it will be good for something.(artificial plants?)
The Bad Side
And the jungel-ish yard got mowed by me..
We have Sahara dust wrecking the weather and the sky is a grey-white of lugubriousness.
sunset last night
But its going to be a great week! I’m sure yours will be great too!
i was in bed last night and I moved my leg and it was stuck to the sheets. I felt down and there was sticky stuff below my knee. I had been bleeding from some cut or poke on my leg. I don’t know what happened. Maybe riding my bike or maybe I just bumped into something. But I had to change the sheets and do laundry at 10:30 last night. (I figured it would wash out better if washed immediately)
I slept good, I never heard the washing machine, woke up and it was done, put the stuff in the dryer, never hard a thing, woke up and it was done. Perfect!
And here’s a cat pic for you, Goldie, sleeping in the motorcycle.
I’m setting it up for a second time. I was having a lot of problems and did a factory reset. It seems to be going much better. Aside from the fact that it’s bigger than expected, it seems to be pretty good for the money. AND a lot of the problems I blamed on the phone seem to be Android 11. I’m still setting it up, we’ll see how it goes today.
I spelled Ulefone wrong yesterday.
another thing I want to say. Fresh Step kitty litter is horrible. Cat urine turns it into concrete. It will break your pooper scooper.