Last night was my last full night. Tonight I get up at 3 to go to the airport. Today is my last full day.

I’m headed home to Cayman tomorrow!
Yesterday was Cayman’s first Cruise ship in over two years. Here’s a little VIDEO I took on TikTok.
it is good that the world is getting back to normal.
My internet is still intermittent. Yesterday we tried to replace the underground cable from the street and the wall jack and it came disconnected while pulling. Now there’s a temporary cable running across the yard. Couldn’t get the cable through the pipe now and the problem remains unchanged I am frustrated and fearful I might have to dig up the yard to replace the cable. (This cable is supposedly the customers responsibility.)
Oh well.
Have a great day!
Overall, it was a nice weekend. Saturday was rainy and snoozy. I rested except for a little shopping. I bought some flowerpots and a new faucet for the bathroom sink.
Sunday morning I installed the faucet and re-potted some plants. Then I went for a long beach walk.
Went to town in the afternoon, pretty empty.
And lastly, a flower from last nights dawg walk.
Have A GREAT week!
It was a nice weekend, right up until today. Friday I went to dinner with my Friday night dinner club. Saturday I finished painting the roof (except I’m going to put another coat on.) And made it to the Annual Mango Fest in George Town.
I really wanted a Mango smoothie but for some reason they were gone, already finished. But I did have some good juices and bought a piece of art. Two Cayman Parrots.
I really like it.
Sunday, I finally made it to Ragazzi Pizza on the beach at Luca. It was my 4th time, but they had been closing early. Basically the advert was wrong. It was really good pizza and locale. I will be going back with friends.
After Luca, went to this little beach right in the middle of town. It has been calling me for weeks. So I went and found lots of sea glass. And I tried to take a video but instead got a series of pictures. Not sure what I did wrong, but the result was interesting.
Today is cloudy and rainy, Tropical Storm Elsa is to our north. We had heavy lighting and rain last night and this morning. Today, (bank holiday) looks lIke it’s going to be a write-off, which is OK in my book. Tomorrow will be sunny again, I hope.
Have a wonderful week!
Yesterday was a holiday Wednesday for the election. Today seems like the second monday this week. Glad tomorrow is the second Friday this week. I am very tired right now. I closed my eyes and could have fallen asleep while walking the dogs this morning.
Here’s a picture of Ashy, our cat, taken yesterday. She’s resting up for bedtime.
I’ll be perusing the election results today, but at first glance this morning, seems like we did coulda done better.
Back to work today after 10 days off, 4 vacation days, 2 holiday days and 4 weekend days. These last few days have been pretty poor.
Flew my first two flights on a Boeing Max 8. Didn’t crash.
Went to my friends funeral Saturday.
I did, after the funeral, have a very nice lunch at a very nice hotel.
Not the best of times for me, but you have a good week!
Not sure if I should go to my friends funeral. It’s on Cayman Brac, about a 80 mile airplane ride.
I guess I’ll probably go. “Always go to your friends’s funerals, otherwise they won’t come to yours”, right? But I’m still not sure.
In other news, today is my last day of four vacation days. It was nice and relaxing but I didn’t get as much done around the house as I wanted. I didn’t dive because of the wind, and now it’s nice again. (another reason not to get on an airplane.)
In other news, Prince Phillip died this morning.
Long live the Queen!