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pics from the weekend above.

It was a long, satisfying weekend . Friday was a nice dinner out, Saturday was an invigorating day with a very challenging yoga class and then beach. Sunday was the usual beach yoga and breakfast and then I came home to meet and introduce a new pet sitter to my dogs.

I thought it would be fine to spend a lazy afternoon at home, And it was. I read and took a nap. But later in the afternoon, I started getting a little antsy. I stayed home, but in hindsight, it would have been ok to change my plans and gone out, for a late lunch or maybe take the dogs to the beach.

I realized that it’s sometimes ok to change a plan, AND I learned that I have been somewhat inflexible, especially with myself (nobody else does what I want anyway! HaHa!). Once I make a decision or plan, I tend to not consider that I can change my mind….

Interesting minor revelation.

Happy Monday , have a fantastic week!

Blue Moon

Last night was a blue moon. It has nothing to do with color. A blue moon happens about every 2.5 years, when there’s two full moons in one month. The second full moon is called a blue moon. I took the two pictures above this morning.

Wonder what it’s called when there’s two New Moons in the same month?

Have a great day!

Moonrise Moonset

Moonrise last night.

last night I went out to dinner at Tukka with some friends visiting from Virginia. I took the above picture of the full moon rising.

Moonset this morning.

This morning, I took the above shot of the moon going down. Amazing, huh?

People always think it’s the sun in the day and the moon at night, actually the moon is up in the day half the month and up in the night the other half. Last night started the night moon half.

I am glad its Friday. Yardwork weekend and diving are my hopes for the weekend.

Have a very good day and weekend. I wish you the best!

Full Moon Phone Photo

Above is a photo I took this morning for the full moon setting. I took it with my phone. I know it’s not very good but I think it’s cool and the moon was beautiful.Today I have a follow-up check up about blood pressure.

And i ruined my breakfast. I poured a bowl of cereal and then when I poured the milk on, it was curdled it was good day before yesterday. I’m disappointed/angry.

Plus i don’t know if I mentioned it , but last Thursday my home internet quit and it’s still not fixed. I’m posting this using the cellular data plan. Crabby.

WW = Wonderful Weekend

Friday: Dinner with about 20 friends. It was really fun. Saturday was a 800 meter sea swim.

Guessing about a hundred swimmers total.

Sunday morning I saw the moon set. Just like a sunset, except it was an (almost) full moon. I always wanted to see that my whole life and Sunday was the first time.

And i went diving Sunday as you probably guessed by the pictures. I have too many Flamingo Tongue pictures but I can’t stop taking pictures of them.

Monday, not looking too bad from here.

have a great week!

Full Moon Rain


Many years ago, someone told me that in Cayman, it always rains around the full moon. I’ve been keeping an eye on it ever since, and it seems to be true. It usually does rain on or around the full moon. This morning it was sprinkling when I did my exercises, now there’s not a cloud in the sky.

Interesting to me… Is there a scientific reason for it I wonder?

Have a GREAT day!