Nice Weekend Ended

Monday is here at last! It was a good weekend. Saturday was the 1 Mile Sea Swim, I came in 308 out of 550.

Sunday i took he dogs to the beach, then gave baths and then made the third anti chicken lid for the third planter. I still have to put the screen on it. Also, I have to finish refurbishing the original planter #1.

Maybe we’ll get some weather coming, maybe just rain, but I won’t get a ride-the-scooter week like I wanted.

But, all is well and I hope you have a wonderful week.

Beets and Lettuce (And Peppers)

new anti cat/chicken lid

Back to work today. I’m glad to be back on my routine.

This long weekend I built another anti cat, anti chicken lid for one of the planters. When I get done, all three will have them. The original, which is probably over 10 years old, is being refurbished, planter and lid.

I transplanted my beet and lettuce sprouts in the grower yesterday. I hope they survive. I’ve got peppers on the back porch. I put them in my pasta sauce and my salads . I’m going to have to start giving them away..The lettuce I can really use, lettuce is expensive here!

I have a house and yard full of plants. More coming!

Have a good rest-of-the week!

Baby Peppers

My second growing of bell peppers seems to be going much better than the first attempt. I was planning on posting a picture of the flowers I had yesterday, but they’re gone, replaced with pea sized peppers!

im so excited!

its supposed to be sunny today, then rain all weekend, all next week, and all next weekend. That’s as far as the extended forecast can stretch. Hopefully they’ll change their minds and throw some sunny days in the mix!

Have a good Thursday!

Mission Failed

All i planned on doing this weekend was cleaning the house. I failed gloriously. Saturday I went to breakfast with friends, then lunch with a different group of friends, then saw the Batabanu Carnival Parade.

Sunday I went diving then went to a yoga class, and then mowed the yard . Below are some underwater pictures from yesterday.

And now it’s back to work on a Monday and I don’t mind going.

Have a great week like I’m going to have!

windy weekends

we have had four or five or six windy weekends in a row. Bad enough to prevent diving and hurt my plants.

it’s getting later noticeably earlier, hello is a picture of the same old scene from our morning dog walk.

The Road

i got a lot of work done in the yard. I have the conduit ready to run my new internet cable.

It was, overall, a good weekend. There will be a short week this week and next because of Easter.

Have a good week!

an object at rest

tends to stay at rest.

it’s a Sunday night after a wasted day. Well, not totally wasted. I mowed the yard and did laundry, but I planned on going out and delayed and delayed and then didn’t go.

I wanted to go diving, none of my friends were going, but I was going to go to the dive site and just tag along with somebody. But I didn’t, I mowed the yard.

then I was going to go to the Westin for lunch, but I didn’t, I did laundry.

now I feel depressed, like I wasted the day. I know I didn’t waste the day, but I feel like I did.

yesterday, saturday, was a fabulous day. I went to a meeting then breakfast then Sabbath Services, then shopping for plant supplies then to the beach.

this is my Monday morning post on a Sunday night. Have a good week!

Its The Little Things.

Last week I bought a new garden hose and sprayer. Look at that beauty! What color is that? Turquoise? And the new spray nozzle! Deee-vine!

I am probably much too thrilled about a simple hose and sprayer, but I think they’re both great!

Like i said yesterday, there was no diving for me last weekend,but I did do a lot of yardwork and gardening. I split up several plants to make babies and fertilized an made little anti chicken fences around a few of the bigger plants. I’m using a product called Black Kow, it’s cow poop but doesn’t stink.

I hope to get some fruit off the fruit trees that thus far have bore nothing.

I hope you have a happy Tuesday !

Homegrown Estate Round 2

The Screenhouse

I’m getting the screenhouse ready for growing again. I cut the legs off the standing grow boxes and now they are grow boxes on the ground. (The bottoms started falling out quite some time ago).

Below is a link to a YouTube video, the “embed” feature doesn’t seem to work anymore. It seems that YouTube is trying to emulate TikTok.

I know cherry tomatoes and cucumbers grow well, I’m going to try some red and green peppers. I have 3 more similar growboxes that I can use for other things, such as lettuce, lettuce grows pretty good too. It’s a different type of lettuce than the kind that makes a big round head, Caribbean lettuce grows like a small bush and you can trim or pick leaves daily for your sandwich. Or salad.

It’s my Friday off but the work Christmas luncheon is today and I will attend that briefly.

I hope you have a wonderful day and a fantastic weekend!