Happy April First, also known as April fool’s day. This year is flying by way too fast.
I hope everyone has a happy April Fool’s Day and you don’t get fooled too bad!
And have a good WEEKEND!
Happy International Women’s Day! International Women’s Day (March 8) is a global day celebrating the social, economic, cultural, and political achievements of women, global holiday, celebrated annually on March 8 to commemorate the cultural, political, and socioeconomic achievements of women. (Wikipedia)
My mother and sister fly out today. It’s been a good visit. I’m taking them to the airport this morning and then going to work.
I hope you have a wonderful International Women’s Day and a fantastic Tuesday!
Today is a day off work. I’m probably going to the beach with my mother and sister. Maybe a cruise around the island too.
Yesterday, i couldn’t get on to post. The site came back up before I had a chance to look into it.
if I look out my front (east) window, it looks like it is going to be a cloudless, sunny day. If I look out my north facing window, it looks like it’s going to pour rain any minute.
I hope you have a great Wednesday!
Happy Groundhog Day! Do we hope for an early spring with global warming going on?
Yesterday was a very rough day for me. I was lonely and missing my ex wife really badly. Nothing could have soothed me except her.
Unrelatedly, or coincidentally, on Groundhog Day, we always stayed home and watched the movie, Groundhog Day every year. It was a good tradition that I enjoyed very much.
But this is not a negative, sad post. I feel good and plan on having a good day and hope you do too!
Since New Years day was on a weekend, today is the holiday (I hope). It’s good to start the first working day of the year with a holiday day off.
At least I hope it’s a day off, hope I’m not playing hookie on a workday!
i’ve been we working my way through a bag of CafĂ© Oro. Coffee from Honduras.
It has good flavor, but it is very dark and oily. Good flavor, but it looks very very strong when you pour it. I don’t regret buying it at all, but I worry about staining my teeth worse than they are already stained.
have a wonderful 2022 and a great work week!
Today is my first Friday at work since September. I took every Friday in October November and December (except today) off. Use it or lose it leave.
Like I said before, I’m just ready to get this year done.
Today is my last workday of the year! Yeay!
There’s only a couple more working days for me this year, today and tomorrow. I feel quite neutral about this year’s holiday season.
Yesterday I was quite stressed about the flat tire, having the tiling job going on and and payday so far away. We normally get paid at the end of the month, but in December we get paid early. Therefore there’s about 7 weeks between the December pay day in the January pay day. I seem to be the victim of some self inflicted bad timing. I got 2 new front tires yesterday and feel much better now. Relieved.
Below is a selfie of me at work. I took it to send to someone who was working from home.
My plan for today is to just go with the flow. I’m just gonna kind of hang out and see what happens.
Have a great day!
Last night, around 3, there was a loud dogfight not too far from here. My two dogs, as well as the other million bajillion in the neighborhood, all went nuts. The dogfight lasted maybe 15 seconds max, but but the bajillion neighborhood dogs kept barking incessantly.
It seems like there is a lot more dogs in our neighborhood than I knew about or imagined. And who is just gonna let their dogs sit out in the yard and bark all night? Mine went in the kennel because they wouldn’t shut up, then they shut up.
It was a nice long weekend, I went out for Friday breakfast and beach, Saturday was an 800 m sea swim. I came in 4th out of 5 in my age category, I should have done a lot better. I was and still am extremely extremely disappointed. I need more training. I need to be able to double my breath rate.
Yesterday morning I went diving, and in the afternoon was the 1st night of Hanukkah.
When I write it here, it seems like a short weekend, but it was a good long weekend. I also mowed the yard and did a ton of laundry.
And now it’s back to work, have a good week!
Today I start using up my vacation time. I could say wasting it. Starting today I’m taking Fridays off, Except today will be a 1/2 day, because I have 18.5 days to use. I will take every Friday for the rest of October off off and starting in November I will take Mondays and Fridays off. I’m taking off 3 days between Christmas and New Year’s. That will be the end of my leave for 2021.
2020 it was bad, 2021 has been much worse.
But the weather is looking good this morning and I hope it will be a nice day and weekend.