This kayak has been sitting here at my secret lunchtime beach for an easy six months. Probably much longer. it used to be used by the submarine company Atlantis Submarines to paddle out to their submarines. The submarines are a long gone, I think they’ve been sold. But the kayak remains. (Technically speaking I think one was a submarine and the other was a glass bottom boat, but I think they’re both gone) I have 2 kayaks which I have not used in a long time, This kayak is like the 1st kayak I ever bought, a Malibu 2. Therefore its value is sentimental only, but it must be a very old kayak that deserves to be cared for and loved.
Tonight at movie night is “Die Hard“. I’ve been told the food prices have gone up because technically now the hotel is open, but I’m going anyway.
Tomorrow is Friday, hip hip hooray! Have a good day. (That rhymes)