Dec 7th

I was sleeping hard when the alarm went off this morning. Dreaming I was doing dangerous things. Like trying to drill moving parts. One dangerous thing after another. Not following safety rules. I wish I could remember, some were amusing.

Dec 7. Pearl Harbor. Manrique died.

Dec 7th

A day that will live in infamy.. Two years ago, Manrique, my father in law and best friend died. In my mind, this event, somehow was the catalyst that precipitated my divorce.

I’m not going to go into how I’m still fucked up from it.

In other news, my poor poor lemon tree is under attack again, this time by beautiful green caterpillars.

I plucked almost a dozen off the plant and flushed them down the toilet. Today comes the caterpillar killing spray.

ANd, today is my Friday and I’m glad about that

Manrique In Heaven

One year ago today, Manrique died. I wanted to name this post “December 7th 2020, a day that will live in infamy”, but I did that last year.

I didn’t know if it then, but when did Manrique died, It was the beginning of the end of my world. It was the event that set my divorce in motion.

He was a really good friend, and friends are hard to come by for me this day and age. I knew he was sick, but I didn’t think he would die.

I’ll tell you what though, today’s not gonna be some miserable sad day of mourning. I’ve been miserable the past year, and I’m getting over it.