Mixed Picture Post

Saturday Night Food Fest
George Town Waterfront 360
Sunset in George Town
A rooster who joined us for our Mexican lunch
The cat who lives inside the home center loves my wife and I.
I gave up cigars, and my cigar shop goes out of business.
Cayman Islands Coca Cola Collectors Can

It was a really nice weekend. Saturday we went to buy some flower pots and then out for lunch at a nice Mexican restaurant. In the late afternoon/evening, we went to a Food Fest featuring street food. It was good. I didn’t take enough pictures there though.

Sunday was a nice and quiet day. I loaded up and went to go diving, but the water was too rough and we didn’t go. It was borderline. So I spent the day at home, reading my most recent book, Ready Player Two, sequel to Ready Player One, which I enjoyed very much. Ready Player Two doesn’t have very good reviews, but so far, it seems pretty good to me. I just started it though.

And now it’s Monday again, too quickly. Have a good week!

Thursday Picture Post




No rain


Super panorama


Boats n ships

Yesterday I had a doctors appointment at 2:30 and left about 4:05 never made it back twerk


No! I didn’t say twerk! I said TO WORK!

Anyway, I stopped and took the boat and ship photos on my way home.

Glad it’s Thursday, thought it was Wednesday.

Have a good day, I have to get ready to go twerk!

Snapshot Saturday

Yesterday I got done working at 1:30, so I went to the nearest beach. I took these pictures. The bottom one is a panorama I made. It is more than 180 degrees I’m going to try more of these panoramas, I think they’re pretty cool don’t you? They look like they were taken on a tiny island! The top one is just looking down the beach, the bottom one is the panorama.
Please click to enlarge my panorama!!
ON a sour note, I started having problems with my new camera, the Nikon S9100. It froze up. I turned it on, the lens came out and display came on, but none of the controls would work. I couldn’t even turn it off. I had to take the battery out. When I got home, it started working again, but now I don’t trust the camera.
I looked on the internet and there’s a lot of people complaining about this. How can this be? I did a search and researched this camera before I bought it. It was five stars everywhere, number two on the top 10 for 2011. Now after I buy it, I look again and see it is rated poorly, with tons of complaints about the same thing. I’m thinking about selling it and trying to find yet another new camera.