Monday, When the alarm went off, I was having a dream that this girl was riding a weighted sled down to a submerged car to get something out through the open sunroof. I can’t remember now what she was getting, but I know I knew in my dream. The water was surprisingly cold and murky. She was wearing a red thick wetsuit, and as she headed down, I realized I couldn’t descend fast enough, and I couldn’t hold my breath long enough. I thought the car was very shallow, since we weren’t using tanks.
Speaking of diving, I went diving this weekend, and snorkeling. First we went to look for an old airplane in the North Sound, we found it very easily. It was a PBY Catalina, but the engines and propellers were gone. All three wheels were there and sheets of metal. It was a junkyard.

I have unimpressive pics on my camera, which is in my car. I’ll post some tomorrow. After that, we did a dive at a site called Bears Paw, it was a good dive, nice coral, but nothing spectacular.
Sunday the wife and I drained, cleaned and refilled our hot tub, and had a quiet day at home.
Now it’s Monday, and I’m headed in to work.
Have a great week!