Daisy The Instigator?

Daisy has been under training for quite some time about her excessive barking. Last night the door was open, the breeze was blowing and Daisy was trying to not bark, but she was whining and pacing. She was being generally annoying about the other dogs we could hear outside, down the street and in the area.

Finally I had no choice but to put her in her kennel. Surprisingly, as soon as she lay quietly in her kennel, all the other dogs in the neighborhood shut up too. It was a perfectly peaceful quiet evening.

So my question is, was Daisy whining and making noises at the other dogs, or were the other dogs barking and making noise at Daisy? Is she the instigator?

It’s something to ponder.

Have a wonderful day!

Flying Low

Im doing my US taxes and it looks like I’ll owe in the neighborhood of a hundred grand. Trouble at work, trouble everywhere. And when I have trouble with everyone around me, it’s usually isn’t all if them, it’s me…

Im in a low place, I have a lotta lotta lotta things to be grateful for, but I’m still going through a rough patch.

Safe Places

This morning I was thinking about my grandparents. It started with gratitude for their existence. I started thinking about how I used to like it when we visited them. It occurred to me just this morning that, besides loving my grandparents, their farm was a safe place, my father would (probably) behave himself and I didn’t have to be on guard against “attack” while at my grandparents.

When I was in my one year marriage in the year 2000, one particular friends apartment was a safe place. My ex wife and I would go there for dinner and a movie and I knew that for those four hours of hanging out, my ex would probably not go bat shit crazy. In hindsight, I was more or less constantly under attack from her except for those hours. I was vey aware of this peaceful sanctuary, even then.

It occurrs to me that since then, there have been very few similar places. Even this house, my house, with me in it by myself isn’t, and I’ll have to figure out why.

There’s also “Safe People”, trustable. My 15 year ex wife started out “safe” (I’ll have to define what Safe means in my head too.) but changed to unsafe so subtly I didn’t notice the change. I’m aware that I’m probably not a “safe person” to other people either, by my own definition, whatever that is. I’m moody and sometimes crabby and perceive threat when there is none.

It’s odd that I’m just thinking about this now. I know someone has discussed the concept with me before, but I didn’t hear or understand or couldn’t apply it till now.


Rare South Atlantic Tropical Storm

Low pressure off the coast of Brazil morphed into a tropical storm Sunday.
The South Atlantic Ocean typically doesn’t see many such storms.

Tropical Storm Akará. Read the article HERE.

The weather seems weird everywhere, here too. Normally January through March or April is clear weather with no significant features. Sunny and clear every day. Now we’re getting front after front, rain and wind and waves.

I didn’t realize that tropical storms were a rarity in the South Atlantic. I just knew southern hemisphere seasons are opposite than the northern hemisphere’s.

Happy Tuesday! Have a great day!

Itsanuther Monday.

Rainy morning today, we needed it. A cold front moved through very suddenly and quickly yesterday evening.

Heres some random pictures from the phone. My breakfast yesterday, fruit toast and raspberry banana smoothie (and coffee). Lenny, acting like he’s not watching me, and a picture of my Kindle, we live in the sky.

.Soon I’ll be headed off to work on a good day for working. Have a good week

Different Caribbeans

I usually walk to the sea during my morning dog walk. I stand there and try to make a memory for the day that I can come back to. Part of my prayer/meditation/get my head on straight morning routine. Several times a week, I swim during my lunch break. I usually swim 800 meters, half mile.

it occurred to me this morning that the Caribbean Sea of my morning walk is not the same Caribbean Sea as my lunch time swims. In the morning, the sea is something to cling to, for comfort, safety and peace of mind. At lunch, the sea is more like a companion, “let’s go, you and me buddy”.

Yesterdays swim was excellent . Challenging. The swell was from the south, current from the north. The wind on my face told me to swim north . I swam down and back, and had about 715 meters. To get my 800 meters, out to the parked dive boat for the extra distance. Swimming back from the boat, the current was very strong against me. At first the bottom was not moving in accordance to my swim strokes. I had to put some extra reach and stretch into it to get going again. It was excellent.

The sea and I were communicating. The wind told me which way to swim first. The sea spoke and I was glad to be able to answer.

I intended to swim 800 meters, I actually swam about 913 eters. 999 yards.

i wish I swam that extra yard! Hope I get to swim again today!

Listen Inside

pics from the weekend above.

It was a long, satisfying weekend . Friday was a nice dinner out, Saturday was an invigorating day with a very challenging yoga class and then beach. Sunday was the usual beach yoga and breakfast and then I came home to meet and introduce a new pet sitter to my dogs.

I thought it would be fine to spend a lazy afternoon at home, And it was. I read and took a nap. But later in the afternoon, I started getting a little antsy. I stayed home, but in hindsight, it would have been ok to change my plans and gone out, for a late lunch or maybe take the dogs to the beach.

I realized that it’s sometimes ok to change a plan, AND I learned that I have been somewhat inflexible, especially with myself (nobody else does what I want anyway! HaHa!). Once I make a decision or plan, I tend to not consider that I can change my mind….

Interesting minor revelation.

Happy Monday , have a fantastic week!

I Think I’m Awake

But I’m Not

Last night, I was lying in bed. I thought I was awake, but part of me knew that I wasn’t. I was trying to do simple three count in three count out breathing and couldn’t do it. It was very difficult. I was trying to NOT think about Daisy and the dog across the street but I could not.

I often wonder why I think I’m awake all night but my sleep monitor shows me as being asleep. It’s because even though I’m asleep, I’m aware. I cannot fully control my thoughts in this state. Counting 1 2 3 was very difficult and I kept making mistakes. Breathing was difficult along with the count. It is a bizarre sensation/state of mind.

and now I’m off to work. I think it’s payday but it might be tomorrow

Have a great day!