The Social One

Last night at class I introduced myself to someone. We traded names and she seemed kind of familiar and I asked if we’d met before. She said she had seen me around, that I was the “social one”. I was taken aback and kind of walked away in a curving loop back to her and said “I’m not really social, actually, I’m really quite shy.”

Nobody has ever said anything like that about me. The social one Hahahahahaha! I generally see myself as sullen, grumpy, unapproachable, and always alone.

Kind of, if I don’t look directly at it, I can almost see the problem, the insanity, the pieces that don’t fit together. The grumpy bastard and “the social one”. The two extremes with nothing in between. (I’m told there IS nothing in between, but not sure I believe it yet.)

It was an interesting experience. A view from a different angle.

Have a great day!

Costa Rican Coffee

My friends got back from Costa Rica and brought me coffee from my Tia Cynthia. I can’t wait to try it.

I feel nostalgic about the coffee, my friends visiting the familiar house of my Aunt. I wonder if I’ll ever be there again? The last time I was there, I never dreamed it would be the last time I’d be there.

Happy Thursday !

Starting At The Finish

I would love to sail solo around the world in my own sailboat. However, I do not want to sign up for sailing lessons and putter around on a Hobie cat, learning how to sail. I don’t want to go out on dates, looking for a girlfriend like some high school kid. I want to already be established in a year’s long, happy, marriage.

This flawed logic of wanting something,, and imagining having it, without doing the work is defective thinking.

those guys on the Titan sub that imploded on its way to the Titanic, were engaged in this same flawed thinking. They could have dived shallower wrecks, they wanted to do one dive and that was the ultimate dive for the most advanced Submariner to ever make. They wanted to start at the finish. It cost them their lives. Same as if I just bought a sailboat and tried to sail around the world without sailing lessons, it would possibly cost me my life. (If I could even get it out of port!)

how much time do I waste, wishing for things I am not willing to work for? There are probably several examples in my life that I’m not even aware of.

Food for thought.


Today i was doing my daily Duolingo. There are parts where the student speaks out loud.. I was thinking, that if i was not in the house alone, i would be self conscious about talking out loud like i do?

Then i started thinking about how I would behave differently if someone else was around. Would I change a lot? Not that much? I’m not sure. To this day, I still pretend the wife is here when I get up in the mornings i keep the room dark and keep the dogs quiet like I did when she was sleeping there. Hopefully there will be someone else sleeping there some day.

So what is normal? If i get to a place where I like myself, then in a relationship, can’t be the me I like, what good is that? On the other hand, interaction requires change and adaptation. I can’t be inflexible.

In the past I think (a little bit) I have lost myself, trying to be the person i think the other person wants me to be. That ain’t no good. But maybe a little is good?

This is something for me to think about, and I have no idea what this is like for other people.

What say you?

Jupiter From Mars

This morning I was on my roof, looking at the sunrise and listening to the birds and other sounds. I started thinking about what a cool job it would be to be a Mars Rover operator. Go to work early, put on the 3D goggles, and the headphones and sit there on Mars and watch the sunrise and hear the sounds. No birds, but maybe some wind.

Jupiter from Mars

I saw an article yesterday about Mars’s moon Deimos passing in front of Jupiter. See the article HERE.

Jupiter apparently would look quite large from Mars at its closest. It would be a cool thing to see.

Today Ashy the cat is going in for a checkup. Hope she’s not too miserable at work with me.