The Monday Regularity

Friday at work was Culture Day. People wore clothes from their native country. Below is Honduras

Below is the Cayman Islands. Traditional dresses on the ladies and khaki seafarers outfits and Cayman cowboys

there was also a small representation by the Philippines, Of course a large representation from Jamaica and a few other countries. There was lots of good food.

Sunday I took Lenny to the beach.

It was a nice weekend overall, but it was cloudy and cool and there was no shore diving to be had. Also it rained off and on.

One week from today I had to Panama

I Can Save You Now

I completed my first aid course yesterday without a problem. Now I’m certified man just like the old days. Whenever I take a first aid course or get around the Red Cross who reminds me of my old days as a lifeguard and teaching swim lessons when I was in high school. I was thinking then that I would like to just have a life of being a lifeguard and teaching swim lessons. The people who taught my course and the people who work for the Red Cross are actually doing it. And when I go there I think this could have been my path.

1200 Duolingo Days in a row today. Normal Spanish is still much too difficult for me to understand. Everyone seems to speak so fast.

Happy Friday riday, have a good weekend!

First Aid Training

Today instead of going to work I’m going to the first aid office for all day long first aid training.

It’s a good thing too, because I forgot what I was going to post about today!

Have a great day!

A New Dentist (again)

I’m way behind on my dental work I have things that needed to be done since 2020 on my record. When I go to the dentist, I spend the first half of the year paying my deductible, then I’m maxed out, and then I got to pay because I’m maxed out. This year I was maxed out in March.

I’m due for a 6-month cleaning, my dentist called, reminded me my insurance was maxed out, and said it would be $220 for the cleaning. $220 for a cleaning. Seems high. I called a dentist near where I work and they said between $225 and $275 for cleaning.

then a co-worker recommended his dentist, so I called them and it was $125 for a cleaning. Plus they already had my name on file. In 2007, when I was with the government healthcare system, I went to this dentist because I needed an implant, the government system didn’t cover implants. So this dentist was a dentist who was only on the island part time and I had an implant done. This dentist is now on this Island full time and I recall he’s a very good dentist. Hope I can get some better prices and some affordable dental care. My dental insurance really is practically worthless.

Tomorrow for work I have first aid training all day.

Ten Ants

Thi made me Laugh Out Loud.

From now on, instead of typing “Laugh Out Loud”, I’m authorizing everyone to just type “LOL” to save time, money and computer ink.

You’re welcome!

Have a great day!

Excellent Weekend !

it was a really good weekend. I went out with my Dinner Club Friday night, had a really good meal with a lot of friends.

Saturday I finally finished my yard. I also installed a screen door which I purchased Friday to keep the mosquitoes out. And did laundry.

while mowing, I found this huge piece of glass in the back of my back yard, sitting right out in the open. Tell me, where on earth it could have come from? How could it possibly have gotten there?

in the news, are Romanian tick tokker won the presidential election, completely surprising both parties and all the bean counters who predict the winner. It isn’t final yet though. That would have been great in the US. Shock and awe! 🙂

Now it’s Monday, time to go back to work. I’m not ready. Need another day off..Oh well..

Have a great week!

A Front

Grand Cayman had (has) its first cold front moving through about now. We got a lot of wind, maybe some more rain.

Above is a picture from our dawg walk this morning. Waves.Wind.

Have a great weekend!

One Is MUCH More Familiar

Below are both ends of the check-in page on InSight Timer. You’re asked to check in when you open the app in the morning.

There’s other levels in-between, good, ok and bad. Only the best and worst are shown here. I have never, ever in more than a thousand check-ins selected anything below OK. 99.999% of the time, I select “Good” or “Great”.

But the reality, when I look at the lists above, a lot of the words on the “Great” list, I’d have a hard time defining if asked, On the “awful” list, well, I sure know what that all mean, AND I feel a lot of them daily, even though it’s a “good” or “great” day.

For the description, I usually select only grateful, because I don’t have, or am aware of feeling the others.

For example , yesterday I bought my tickets to Panama, I’m staying in a great place in the mountains and it’s going to be really good. I think. I should I should be able to select “excited”, on today’s, but I don’t, feel excited, I just feel like I always do.

The purpose of this is to point out the interesting observation, and maybe see if anyone else has a similar trait. (I find myself worried about my choice of words here, but I hope you know what I mean).

Have a great day!

Land Mines?

The way I see it, Joe Biden made no decisions and has had very little impact his entire 50 plus year political career. Now that he’s voted out, he’s trying to damage the stage for his successor.

He could have approved the long range missiles before he wasn’t reelected, and landmines? Joe Biden approved the use of landmines in Ukraine yesterday. Those are just the worst thing. And don’t tell me they’re okay because they use batteries and will wear out after a while. Civilized Nations don’t use landmines anymore.

As an undecided who hasn’t lived in the US for decades, it looks more and more like the voters made the right choice.


yesterday I took this picture of our air traffic control tower. I thought it was a pretty cool picture. I took it next to the door that goes into my office.

I’m running super late today I have to get going! Have a great day!!