Amazon Colorsoft

I’m somewhat disappointed. I was hoping for and expecting a large screen Kindle like the Scribe. The rumors I heard was that the color Amazon reader would be a color Scribe. Look at the picture above, the Colorsoft is barely bigger than his thumb!

I would have bought the color Scribe immediately, cost be damned, like I did with the Scribe that I have. I’m not interested in the Collorsoft and will either keep my Kindle scribe or move over to the BooxTab Ultra C Pro color ereader.

Sigh, ho hum. Whaaa. Crybaby

Have a good day, it’s rainy here today.

Pictures From My Trip

I was in Savannah Georgia last weekend attending a workshop called Breaking The Chains, about 12 step recovery, yoga and codependence. Below are random pictures of the weekend, my rental car, Travlin’Tim, restaurant, the class and etcetera.

Aside from my crappy room, it was a great weekend!

Happy Hump Day!

Worst Place I Ever Stayed

I stayed at La Quinta in Savannah Georgia last weekend, worst place I ever stayed. Below is my review.

I checked in, and my room had a bad smell, trash in the trash can and the bed didn’t look properly made. Switched rooms and the second room had no TV and a pile of wires, cable box and bits and pieces. PLUS in the bathroom, the ceiling had leaked and it looked like the roof was broadly damaged, wall to wall..(I should have taken pictures)
Tried to switch rooms again and the desk man got irate told me to go somewhere else. I told him no, I made my reservation long ago and I wanted I decent room. Apparently , for 140 a night, you shouldn’t expect clean sheets, an empty trash can and an intact ceiling.
Third room has two double beds instead of a queen and is barely acceptable. There’s cigarette burns on the bathtub. The tub drips and the lights don’t work properly. (fluorescent flickers but won’t come all the way on) This place used to be nice but obviously hasn’t been well maintained. The best thing about the room was the shower.
For a Wyndam owned property, I expected a lot more.

Don’t stay there!

Have a great day!

World Mental Health Day 2024

Today is world mental health day. Yes please! Slice off a big ol chunk and send it over to me!

This weekend, I’m headed up to the US to take a weekend class that hopefully will improve my ability to maintain my mental health and improve my meditation practice.

Today is also 900 days of AUM. I’ve settled in on 7 minutes a day. (The other time is guided meditations)

So have a good day/weekend /year! Take good care of yourself!

Dark Matter

I was reluctant to start this book. The description didn’t grab me. Once I started though, I couldn’t put it down.

Jsson goes out for a drink, gets kidnapped, eacapes, and when he gets back home, things aren’t the same. His wife isn’t his wife. His son was never born. Jason has to figure out what is going on.

And he’s not the only one…

Hurricane Milton

Hurricane Milton, category 5 hurricane is due to hit the Tampa area about 1:00 tomorrow morning. That’s late tonight. Millions of people are being evacuated. Tampa has not had a direct hit by a hurricane since 1921.

I wish everybody up in Florida good luck through this storm. To me it seems incredible that it is predicted to go all the way across Florida and still maintain hurricane strength until it comes out on the Atlantic Ocean. Below, Milton from. space.

Good luck everyone!


I found evidence of a leak in my roof. Same place it leaked before, more than a decade ago. In this day and age of people losing everything on 10 feet deep flooding and getting blown away by hurricanes, I think I’ll be able to handle it alright.

Lousy sleep last night.

Have a good day!

Beating Myself Up

Saturday I told myself I was going to mow the front yard, only the front yard, I’m not mowing the back till Sunday. I ended up mowing the whole thing. Then Sunday, I went to a 90 minute yoga class taught by my meditation instructor, then went and had a nice breakfast.

I made it home in the early afternoon and finished my book and lazed around, took a nap, etc. All the while berating myself for wasting my weekend, wasting my life and accomplishing nothing. If I’d saved the back yard for Sunday, I would have had a feeling of accomplishment and satisfaction for a job well done, time well spent, a life well lived.

I treat myself worse than I treat anybody else. And nobody is crueler in words and opinion than I am of myself…. It has been pointed out to me before, sometimes I can see it but most the time I can’t.

Here’s a sunrise photo from the weekend.

Have a great week!

Wonderful Visitors / International Taco Day

I had a really nice day yesterday with my visitors. It started off rainy, but the weather cooperated and it turned into a really nice day.

I do have some bad news for you though.

They moved International Taco Day and we missed it this year. Although it will be nice in the future to always have an International Taco Tuesday, that really doesn’t help us today .

We were not properly informed and drastic action may seem necessary, but after a night of reflection, I urge you to find peaceful acceptance within yourselves. Yes,we were seriously wronged, but we can survive.

Have a great.weekend! And eat some tacos anyway!

Cruise Ship Visitors

Today I’m off work. I put in for a vacation day because I have a high school friend visiting with her grandkids.

It’s quite cloudy and rainy and cold here. I’m not sure what we’re going to do. My answer is coffee first, then anything they want!

Any better ideas?

Have a great day!