Burning Bush.

This morning on our walk I noticed a haze in the streetlights. Advancing further, I saw someone out burning bush. Along our morning walkpath there seems to be a lot of land clearing, fence putting up and even construction starting. A big sign that the construction craze is spreading our way.

There’s only two things I don’t like, the way things are, and change. (That’s supposed to be a funny-funny)

Have a fantastic day!

windy weekends

we have had four or five or six windy weekends in a row. Bad enough to prevent diving and hurt my plants.

it’s getting later noticeably earlier, hello is a picture of the same old scene from our morning dog walk.

The Road

i got a lot of work done in the yard. I have the conduit ready to run my new internet cable.

It was, overall, a good weekend. There will be a short week this week and next because of Easter.

Have a good week!

Friday Fotoz

Happy Friday!

Above is a few photos from the week. Clockwise, cruise ships from roadside at the north end of Seven Mile Beach, taken a few days ago. Paypaya plants coming up after I had given up on them. My dusty head after drilling a 1 inch hole thru 8 inches of concrete. And the road from my walk this morning. I like taking a picture on this road . You’ll find other seemingly indentical shots scattered through these posts.

last night for supper, I ate an entire Domino’s small thin crust pizza in about 10 minutes. It was the first time I ordered a pizza in more than a year. I can’t believe I ate the whole thing. But I felt fine last night and this morning.

I was sleeping really well when the alarm went off this morning, my first thought was that there were two alarms. But I’m awake now, drinking coffee. At least I think I’m awake, how would I really know?

have a great weekend!


I walk the dogs in the mornings and turn around at a spot I call Doublepaint. It’s at a “T” junction where I guess the paint machine put down some extra thick paint.

i took the pictures this morning, then had an inkling that I had posted about it before. And I have. But it’s interesting (only to me probably) to see the difference between then and now.

Tomorrow is Friday! The weather is supposed to turn crappy, but I don’t care, I can’t dive this weekend because of my tooth, or lack thereof.

I’m reading a weird book that maybe I will post about tomorrow.

Have a fantabulous day!