Mondays Photos

It seems almost typical that I post the weekend’s diving photos on Monday mornings. Above are shots from Eden Rock.

I pplanted some new banana plants this weekend, and a month or two I planted peppers. Someone said I should store my seeds in the refrigerator crisper. We’ll, I planted six plants and only one has come up. Not sure the fridge is the proper place to store seeds.

Busy wweek Coming up. Hope you have a good-un!

Only One Shower A Week?!?

Awww Hell no!

I read an article, somebody is saying we only need to take one shower a week. Read the article here.

I take at least 3 a day. Morning, after swimming, after work, before bed.

One a week? Only if you want to be a skuzzbucket!

This weekend a lot of places are getting an eclipse. Not here. I do hope to be under a total eclipse on a clear day someday, but that won’t be this weekend for me. I’ll be doing laundry and yard work and having a dog assessed. Below is an eclipse Shadow on Earth taken from the Mir space station.

have a great weekend!

4 Day Weekend

Day one of the four day weekend starts with dick clouds and strong winds, and no rain. It is not going to rain no matter what, Seems like.

I’m still seeing a counselor about my divorce. But it not really about the divorce anymore.. My counselor said yesterday that my self-loathing undoes the therapy in between sessions. I recommended a lobotomy. Ha ha!

Have a great weekend!

Another Great Weekend!

It was another fantastic weekend. I took the dogs to the beach, they loved it and were really well behaved. And then they had baths… One loved that more than the other. I won’t mention any names.

I got a lot of yardwork done. Mowing and ttranplanting houseplants and pulling weeds. I also picked up a whole huge bag of garbage from the roadside of our cul-de-sac, it looks a LOT better.

I finished an excellent book, a topic for another day.

I also had several really good yoga classes. (What’s amazing is how it makes your mind feel, even more than the body). Got all the laundry done and I also cooked out on the grill.

(I sound like a Suzy Homemaker )

It was a regular length weekend but seemed longer. Now it’s back to work, where I’m glad to be swamped.

Have a great week!

Too Much To Post..

AND not enough time.

It was a busy weekend , I trimmed the bushes an all the trees in the front and side yards, I ran sound for a solo guitar concert. I did a rorkshop on perfecting the form of the poses (it was quite crowded and not too much personal attention. I did a pivate lesson on crow pose and side crow. (neither o which I mastered, but made progress and learned some learning tools.

I did NOT mow, and I did NOT plant te tomatoes I wanted to plant, but it was a good, long, busy weekend. It was cloudy and very windy and off and on rain and not a good weekend for diving.

Happy Tuesday! Have agood week!

Long Weekend Friday

Its a long weekend here in Cayman. Monday is Hero’s Day. Hurrah to all Cayman’s heroes!

My goal the weekend is diving.amd yardwork. I also have a workshop on fine tuning the yoga poses. IE doing them properly.


Have a GREAT weekend!

Small Business Holiday Matket

It was a nice weekend. I went diving yesterday. Friday afternoon I went to a first night of Chanukah event. On Saturday I went to the Small Business Market. It was quite nice. I imagine myself doing something similar with wood.. Make something I could sell…

Here it’s been raining all night and it continues to pour. I didn’t see it coming!

Happy Monday , have a great week!

How ‘Bout Them Commies?

I couldn’t watch the game, and was glad I wasn’t able to! Although I guess that since Washington has no Indian reference, the rivalry between cowboys and Indians is gone. So now they’re just friendly football pals.

Happy Friday !