I am seriously thinking of making the switch from Windows to one of the Linux Operating Systems. The two most popular Linux systems are Fedora, and Ubuntu. I chose Ubuntu because one review I read said it is slightly more user friendly. Plus Ubuntu has a netbook version. And you can load Ubuntu onto a USB drive, and test it out by booting your computer from the USB. I tried that for a few days, then I went ahead and installed it beside my Windows XP.
Now it’s been about a week and I’m thinking of removing Windows. Ubuntu is so much better in a lot of ways. For the most part, generic versions of all the most common drivers are built into the OS, so you don’t need a hard-to-find manufacturers driver for each and every device in your system.
No anti virus program needed, (at least no one is telling me I need one.) No tons of apps running in the background, (look in your system tray, by the clock in the lower right corner of your screen.) All those icons show SOME of the programs running in the backgound that are consuming your computers resources, and most of them you aren’t using and your computer doesn’t need.
Another thing I mentioned before is Windows updates pisses me off. I install them after being harassed, Then I start getting harassed to install more as soon as I get done. Ubuntu releases updates every six months. I can handle that.
Plus there are tons of free programs available, for almost everything. I got a most excellent astronomy program. There is Open Office, which handles all Microsoft Office programs, free and built in.
I don’t claim to know it all, I have barely seen the tip of the iceberg. I have a problem where I have to logon when the computer boots, and I have all the settings I can find set for “do not ask for password”, but it still asks. I’ll find it.
Most of the programs install the same way you are familiar with, click the install file. But I have one program, that I need to install by “running a terminal” which I haven’t figured out how to do yet.
Windows is super screwed up, I think everyone agrees. Windows 2000 was the best Windows ever released, I don’t care what anybody says. Windows XP almost was as good, and the most acclaimed, but you inexplicably have to reboot XP every week or so. (Windows 2000 would run forever and never need a reboot). Windows Vista sucks, non usable in general and NOT approved for business. (I got rid of Vista immediately, and went back to XP.)
We got ripped off being forced to buy Vista, now Vistas flaws pressure us to spend more buying Windows 7. How much is Windows 7? Too freakin much.
The problems I have with Ubuntu are minor, caused by me not knowing the system yet. Overall, Ubuntu is very good and it’s free! Since I installed it, I haven’t missed Windows. I have never yet had to go to a Windows computer to do something I couldn’t do with Ubuntu.