Monthly Archives: October 2010
Wife: Costa Rica: Weekend

Cute Overload
This will make you vomit
This young man rescued a baby hummingbird. Music by Jack Johnson.
Time Traveler Caught On 1928 Charlie Chaplin Film
Pinky Pants
I have this pair of pants that were off-white. When I wore them they looked dirty. So I dyed them brown.
They didn’t get very dark, I guess I didn’t use enough dye, or didn’t leave the pants in there long enough.
They came out kind of wine colored.
Now my wife is calling me Pinky Pants.. I never even tried them on!! And they’re not pink! I swear!!
Life Can be Sooo cruel!
Goodbye to the Sony Walkman

This Sony was all metal and well built. It was a great device. It was the beginning of the portable music era.
American Airlines settles up (not really)

Last week we got a check for $634.90, and a letter saying this was the maximum amount payable for international travel. To me, this isn’t acceptable. To me this makes it profitable for airlines to actually steal baggage.
If they lose peoples baggage, harass them, make it as difficult as they can to get service, they should pay considerably more than the original cost of the items lost.
This would considerably reduce the amount of lost baggage.
The Airlines actually try to disqualify people from compensation, they loose your bag, you make several very expensive long distance calls and you have to aggressively interrogate their representative to find out you need to submit a form. They don’t offer this information freely.
They then reluctantly mail you the form regular slow mail (plus it takes a day or two for them to even get it in the mail). It will probably take 3 weeks to get the form. When you finally receive it, you find it must be returned to the airlines within 30 days of the date they lost the luggage!,and the information they want on the form is not info you have. Date of purchase, city and store where purchased. Complete description, of the item, including composition and construction details, AND A COPY OF THE RECEIPT! Ridiculous. (What is the model number of your tooth brush? What is it made of? What date did you purchase it? Do you still have the receipt?) Most people at this point probably just give up, there is too much research, an not enough time to do it in.
So in order to get any compensation for the airlines screwup, I have to jump though hoops they purposely make too small to jump through.
The check they sent doesn’t even cover the cost of my underwater camera. Not to mention the pics that I never got to take off of it. Plus, an item bought in Mexico for $10 US may cost $80 CI here. So the airline gives me $5US (half the value, in our case) and I’m supposed to go buy a new one for $80 CI, $100US? The Airlines really get a good deal when they lose your luggage.
I couldn’t replace the goods we paid $1200 for for twice that amount, the airlines gave us less than half. If they have our stuff, and sold it in pawn shops or at yard sales, they’d definitely be making a profit.
I know the airlines don’t steal luggage, but it doesn’t just disappear. Our stuff still exists, somewhere. The airlines need to be the ones cracking down on the staff, who steal or misplace luggage. The airlines shouldn’t be getting a good deal when they lose luggage.
Yeah, Why?!?!!
Experimental Post
I’m not going to play with this all day. It is cool to me though, the HTML. I also had to save the image, resize it, post it on the internet on my utility blog and link to it there instead of where the image that was originally linked. It spanned the whole page and it seemed to be the only way of getting it fixed…
The links work, and the content is cool too.
The Cheery Road To INSANITY :-)
The last few days I have been hearing my phone ring when it’s not ringing. My ringtone is the Austin Powers song and I keep thinking I hear it, far away. Sometimes even when I’m talking on the phone, I hear it far away, ringing in the other room. I am sure it’s the first step down the cheery road to insanity. I expect the giant bats to begin swooping out of the sky at me any minute
Here is my Austin Powers ringtone, a very short MP3, It’s what I’ve been hearing, all the time! Farrr FarrFaraway!!
Also last night my Beautiful Lovely Smart Sexy Wife told me she’s rebelling against her blog. I guess she’s not getting enough comments. Who is? I thinks some more comments will help her. . . (Hint hint).
Anyway, I have to get going. Studying you know. . . Allegedly.