Red Sky

Red sky at night, sailors delight.

Red sky in morning, sailor take warning.

I got up and gasped at the red in the sunrise this morning. Before my eyes, I could see it turning less red and more orange. These pictures show nothing of how red it was when I first saw the color. It was amazing!


We’ve had a couple of days of rainy weather. I didn’t expect it.

Above is a picture from April, I was browsing and found it. It’s not great, out of focus, but I think it is somehow cool.

My wife got a new phone yesterday, the Samsung Galaxy S2. I want one now. I never wanted an iPhone, but I’d like on of these Androids!

Tryin’ t’ think

I’m trying to think of something to post, but nothings happening. I was going to post some pictures of triggerfish, taken yesterday while snorkeling.

Or I thought I might post a pic of me that I took during the same snorkel trip.

Today I have to collect a check for a job I did last week, and I have a small plan to increase the amount of computer repairs I am getting. Also perhaps this week I will start a radio station installation.

Small chapter over

A small, insignificant chapter of my life is over.

I was briefly working at a job I hated. I applied for the job, because mostly, of the salary. I interviewed, and they were impressed with my qualifications and talked about me repairing computers and networking equipment, copiers and any equipment any customer brought into the store. I was to make a great addition to the range of services that the store could offer to the public.

I got hired by the manager and started working there, and things were pretty good. One day a few guys come walking into the shop, and they are from a small business that the OWNER let use space in the store in exchange for – – – repairing computers and anything people brought into the store. In other words, the manager hired me for a specific purpose one day, the next day the owner hired someone for the same purpose. My instinct told me to quit on the spot right then and there, but I didn’t.

Once I had a shrink tell me she never met anyone who DIDN’T listen to their inner voice as much as I didn’t.

The next thing ya know, I’m working on only copiers. And deep down inside, I couldn’t give a rats ass about copiers, (although these particular ones were pretty cool).

And, there was training, online courses, required by the manufacturer. I started hearing complaints when I was doing the courses at work, like it was goofing off. (training was promised at the interview, and is required for the store to be a dealership). I WAS doing the courses at home as well as work, but when I started feeling pressure to do them exclusively at home, I started doing them exclusively at work. I am a good employee, and would have gotten the courses done as quickly as possible, by working at home, because I WANTED to, but don’t try to force me to do something you can’t force me to do. I was never getting paid to work at home.

I heard complaints if I took my break, to which I was entitled, but I quit taking them.

Then there were rumors of cranking up the work hours to the maximum allowed by law – for no real reason.

The store manager quit making eye contact.

Then every other day was talk about how I was redundant because the small business was there to work on computers and I started to hate going to work. On the road was OK, repairing machines, but at the shop, in the store, it sucked.

I started looking for a new job, ready to quit when I found one, and at the same time, my own business, CayTronics started getting busier.

Wednesday, the salesman came and said he wanted to talk to me in his office. I went up and he was in the managers office, and they let me go, (with severance pay). I suspected it was coming, and I was ready to quit anyway, but if I quit, I wouldn’t have gotten the severance pay, which is a cool bonus. (If I ever actually get it)

(I realize the manager was under pressure form the owner, which is why he was acting weird, no eye contact, having the salesman come get me instead of doing it himself, so no problem there.)

I feel much better to be out of that place. (although I believe a crappy job is better than no job). I have several good prospects for my own business. And I’m free to search for something I like better. I feel sorry for the other technician, my co-worker. He is a cool guy. One day, one of my worst there, he spilled cyan toner all over the front of his shirt and started cussing. I laughed and told him that was my only smile so far that day. I feel sad that I never go to say good bye to him when I left.

I didn’t post yesterday, because my internet was down. Somehow the phone company reset my modem, and I couldn’t get access to the web. I did a reset to get access to the modem, but there is a password needed to access the internet. I had to take my modem tho the phone company. Now, since I got the modem back home, I found the technician changed the password to access the modem, and if I reset it, I still may not have the password to access the net, so I’m going back today to bitch about it.

No internet

No internet at home, apparently we got disconnected my mistake, and it will take 12 working hours to fix. Anybody want to place a bet? I say it will take them way more that 12 working hours. It’s already been six.

Monday report

It was a nice weekend. Saturday we just kind of hung out at the house. I went out to buy some new pants for work and dropped my keys in the parking lot, never realized till we got home, and called the store and they said they were found. I tried to buy blue pants, and they looked blue in the store, but this morning, they are black.

Hurricane Irene is out there, we were in the cone, but every update takes us further from it’s course. good luck to those in her path.

Now it’s’ about time for me to go to work.

Rain Ride

It’s cloudy and windy. Like it’s going to rain. I don’t want to drive the car, I want to ride my scooter.

It’s Friday, and I wish I could find a way to get off early.

This is one of those times when I’m not posting, I can think of all kinds of stuff to post, but now, my mind is blank.

Have a good weekend!

Short post

I’m at work, I couldn’t post this morning because the Mother In Law was sleeping in the room with my computer in it.

Tonight I’ll take this portable computer home.