Monday Badstart

WOke up this morning and had to iron a shirt. The iron instantly sticks to the shirt, pours water all over the place and the shirt is so stuck to the iron it literally picks up the ironing board and I lift the iron, I pick up the iron, shirt and ironing board all at once, then I gotta pick them apart. And leaves the shirt with white stuff all over it.

What shit.

Hurriane Sandy

Now that Sandy is gone, we’re getting more wind than when she was close. She was supposed to die off after crossing Jamaica, and curve right, out to sea, but now she’s staying a hurricane and curving left to hit the US east coast.

Read the article here:

With a rare mix of three big merging weather systems over a densely populated region, experts predict at least $1 billion in damage.

The stage is set as Hurricane Sandy continues to barrel north. A wintry storm is chugging across the country from the west. And frigid air is streaming south from Canada.

And if they meet Tuesday morning around New York or New Jersey, as forecasters predict, they could create a big, wet mess that settles over the nation’s most heavily populated corridor and reaches as far west as Ohio.

National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration forecaster Jim Cisco, who coined the nickname Frankenstorm, said: “We don’t have many modern precedents for what the models are suggesting.”

And the storm will take its time leaving. The weather may not start clearing in the mid-Atlantic until the day after Halloween and Nov. 2 in the upper Northeast, Cisco said.

“It’s almost a weeklong, five-day, six-day event,” he said, “It’s going to be a widespread, serious storm.”

It is hitting during a full moon, when tides are near their highest, increasing the risk of coastal flooding. And because many trees still have their leaves, they are more likely to topple in the event of wind and snow, meaning there could be widespread power outages.

I remember the book, “The Perfect Storm” The book was better than the movie, (as usual) but in the movie weather maps, I could understand how the storm was forming up better than just in the book, with no pictures. This reminds me of “The Perfect Storm”

Tired Today

I am tired today. Worked till after 7, then in bed at 9. Alarm sounded and it turned it off. Woke up almost an hour later..

But I find I’m actually looking forward to going to work.. Hmmm, that’s odd.

Busy Busy

I’ve been busy at work, and I wake up in the morning, post a post, shower and get ready for work, then it’s time to go and I don’t have time to comment on blogs. I have to adjust my schedule. No excuse, I know.
Random Photo:

Sheba sleepin’ in her cage.

Tuesday Football post and work photos

Vegas hit it right on the money last week. Only one upset.

At work we’re installing a weather station out by the runway. Only in the airport industry they don’t call it a weather station, they call it a  whole bunch of initials. My biggest challenge is learning all these initials and acronyms. Kinda like the military. Today we’ll be putting up the outdoor equipment, there’s a tropical storm headed for Jamaica, and here is quite windy and rainy. Perfect day for outdoor work!

Owen Roberts International Airport from the airside.

The “golf ball” radar station.

Both above pics are views from where the weather station will be

(No Title Monday)

It was a good, pretty busy weekend. Friday night we went to a Veterans Ball at the Marriott. Uniforms were the dress. I tried on my Navy uniform and it still fit, so we zapped it over to the cleaners and I wore my Navy White Crackerjacks. Still fits, but the pants were a little tight at the waist.

Saturday I spread some dirt in strategic spots of the yard, namely under some plants, I re-potted a cactus and have lots of babies and put the biggest one in the traffic circle in front of our house.

Sunday I mowed the yard and drilled the new carport to put the one of the parking blocks in so we don’t drive the cars over the edge. I hit steel and destroyed my drill bit so I have to pick up a new one today. Then I watched the Redskins get beat and Dallas win. They were both good games though. And I did my ironing.

Now it’s Monday and I don’t even have coffee yet. BRB. Now I have coffee.

Still having problems with the new blogsite. I want to get that goin’ this week fer sure. That’ll do for now, have a good day and a good week!

Friday Payday


Above is a pic I found on the web. Nothing to do with nothing, just a picture. I’m not saying anything.
As I type this I am attempting to import all my blog posts to my new site It seems like it’s not working but I’m not worried, I’m still floundering about.
My old job at the radio station is being advertised again. Two announcers and one newsperson has asked me to re-apply…. Here’s another interesting link for you job seekers.
Today is Friday, my first PAYDAY!!!!!! Have a good weekend!

Friday Eve

Today is Thursday, AKA Friday Eve. Tomorrow is my first PAYDAY! Back in my party days I had a theory that if I stay up past midnight, it was Friday, and since it was dark outside, it was Friday, therefore it was Friday night and I was able to have two Friday nights in a week.

I have made zero progress on my new website. Maybe I’ll get to check on it today. I also lost access to my CayTronics website….. Ahh well.

I need to take more picture for this blog. I was looking for a photo, because as you know, a photo makes the post! I have a bunch to sort.

I gotta go get ready for work. TTY Tomorrow.


It’s over the hump today.  Almost half way to the weekend. I got a lot of chores this weekend. Spread dirt, mow, drill holes in concrete for parking blocks.

I’m in the process of migrating to a new blog site. Of course I’m having a difficult time. And I don’t even know the proper terminology for when I talk to the help desk. I got two logons, one for the registration site, one for the FTP site. The FTP site is where the files for your webpage live. I can’t upload. It tells me bad password. I can logon and change the password, but it doesn’t seem to work. ALso I have two sites. so I have one registration site, two FTP sites, four usernames and four passwords.
Somehow, in my spastic attempt to upload files, I deleted the profile for CayTronics, my other site. Since then , I can’t logon.

SO I’m going crazy. Not too bad, I always have problems and I always get them sorted.

TOday at work I have training. I forget what about. All day. Looking forward to it.

That’s it, running late, gotta go!