Blog Neglect

I realided this morning that I haven’t posted here since I started my holiday/vacation. It has been great! I’ve been going to the beach, and I’m reading a book. It has been fantastic!

Also, last night we went and saw the new Star Wars: Rogue One. It was good.

2016 is almost over. We lost a lot of famous people this year. Here’s a picture I found, depicting this, minus Carrie Fisher.

Hope you have a great 2017!

Holiday Day 1

I got an unexpected early start to my holiday this year. I got a half day leave approved, then found out today was a half day anyway! So, I got half day off this morning, half day vacation time this afternoon!


Last Full Day of Work

This is my last full day of work before vacation! Looking forward to some time off.

Not much to say. Things are good.

Finally went to bed earlier last night. I woke up earlier but feel good!

My gosh dern phone, for two nights, I think I’m plugging it in to the charger, but it doesn’t go in all the way, and doesn’t charge. So I’ll have to keep it plugged in at work

Have a good day!

21 Dec. Longest Night

After today, the days start getting longer again. Yeay!

Every day this week feels like Friday.

Last night I watched a movie called Pacific Rim. Giant robots fighting giant monsters. What’s not to like?

Didn’t make it to bed early last night, like I planned. I seem to be ok this morning though. The sea was rougher than yesterday, no swim.

Have a great day!

First Christmas Dinner Of The Year

Last night the wife and I were invited to a Christmas Dinner at her Costa Rican friends house. Turkey and all that goes with it. It was very good, and again, we stayed out too late.

Washingtom Redskins lost last night in Monday Night Football to the Carolina Panthers. The Redskins have lost 6 times in a row to the Panthers.I guess the Skins won’t be making it to the playoffs.

It is very very windy this morning. Too rough for my morning swim.

I’m very tired this morning and don’t feel too good.

Bah humbug.


I am aware of the difference between the way I felt last night, and the way I feel this morning. The general condition of my brain and the outlook on my surroundings.

Last night the Wife went to an all girls birthday party. I was watching Monday Night Football.The game was over, and I had just gotten in bed when she came home. I was exhausted, and wanted to go to sleep, she was all excited and happy and wide awake. This morning I wish that last night I was more in a similar state of mind as she was. I feel like I wasted some of our precious time together. I should have stayed up a little later.

Of course, I got only 5 and 1/2 hours sleep last night, and I’m sure to feel differently tonight…

Harder Every Morning

Every morning all week, it seems harder and harder to wake up. Just when I think I can’t handle another early morning alarm clock, the weekend arrives. 

I’m very tired right now. I got up at 5, went for a swim, showered, and now it’s 6:20, time for coffee. 

Maybe it has something to do with it being so dark. Less than a week, and the days will start getting longer.

Actually, I’m not feeling so bad now, after a little coffee.

Did I  mention that I have to use some vacation time before the end of the year? I’m taking 3 days vacation, and with holidays and weekends, end up getting 11 days off! Whoo Hoodoo!

Have a good day!

Sore Morning 

Slept good but  my neck and left shoulder are sore. Must have slept on it wrong.
The clouds seem very low this morning .


One more week and the days start getting longer again in this hemisphere. It is super dark when I get up at 5.

I feel a little discombobulated this morning. Looking forward to a lunchtime swim.


What’s REALLY Bugging Me.

I applied for a job. Interviewed for the job. It went great, I was a perfect fit. We even discussed salary. I got a written offer for the job from the personnel department- at $9000 per year less than I’m making now, $15000 less than we discussed. At the very bottom of the salary range in the advert.

I replied, that this was unacceptable, in many more diplomatic words. Nice, professional email. They countered with a $2K raise, still in the bottom 10% of the salary scale advertised, and said that was as high as they could go. My reply was asking why they couldn’t get closer to what we discussed at my interview, and why could’t they go as high as they advertised.

No reply. I emailed again – no reply.

I went to talk to the guy at the interview, who would be my boss if I accepted. He said that he didn’t write the ad, and they didn’t have the budget.

I got an email from Personnel a few days later, saying I met with the director, and declined the job based on item 4 (salary I guess, I never looked). I replied, saying I hadn’t received a reply from m previous two emails, and one phone call, explaining why they couldn’t raise the salaary closer to what we discussed, and what was in the advertisement.Please explain.

No response.

So now it’s been four emails to personnel and one phone call, asking why they can’t increase the salary to what they advertised and we discussed, with no response. My guesss is that they’re embarassed, or don’t want to put it in writing, fearing legal action.

Hell, if the peak salary advertised was $7000 less than I was making now, I wouldn’t even have applied.

Monday Whaaaa!

I don’t wanna go to work. I was just getting used to the weekend.

Oh well, it won’t be THAT bad.

Good weekend for American football, Redskins won, Dallas lost.

This weekend it was mostly cloudy, and I spent time re-arranging my tools and cleaning my toolboxes. I didn’t get finished.

Taking some vacation before the end of the year. Use it or lose it. I’m taking three vacation days and getting ten days off in a row. Not too bad!

Running late this morning, HAVE A GREAT WEEK!!!