For the past several days, our cat has been obsessed with the bedroom closet. Every morning, she meows and wakes us up and wants to go in there.

This morning we had it out. I guess I won, because she’s hiding under the kitchen table.
She was whining, and I took her to her bed on the sofa, she ran back to the closet door. I picked her up, and put her on her bed on our bed, I petted her and got her pretty calmed down, but then she went back to the closet door, meowing loudly.
I put her back on the bed and she bit me, pretty hard. I gave her a swat and told her, “If you wanna play nice, I’ll plaay nice. If you wanna play rough, I’ll play rough”. Then I went downstairs and got her kennel.
She’s been quietly laying on a chair under the table ever since.
Today I’m taking the van in for some minor issues. Sounds like a loose piece of plastic inside the horn button, the telephone microphone doesn’t work on the bluetooth stereo, and there’s this rediculous heater in the back back that needs to come out.
Allso, my sister is quite sick, and I may need to go see her very soon.
Have a good day!