I might have mentioned, I went to the dentist yesterday. Had a permanent cap put on a tooth. When I got home and tried to floss, the floss got caught under the cap, and I ended up using scissors in my mouth to cut the floss and get it out. Doing so, I think I “relocated” the cap, because it feels different and I can see it hanging down wwhen I look in the mirror. But maybe both are just my imagination. (I use those “Plackers” things, with the plastic bit.)
Anyway, I’m revisiting the dentist today.
More snags in the home additiion, but we’ll see. Getting a construction quote supposedly by the weekend. Big big big problems with the plans will cause higher construction costs.
Aaaaand I seem to be running early this morning. It was only 6:05 when I sat down here with my coffee. Now it’s 6:19 and I’m ready to say…..
Lenny and my morning walks are pretty standardized nowadays. Usually we go to what I call “Doublepaint” a dash at the end of a road where we turn round. It makes for almost a mile-and-a-half walk.
DoublepaintMy turn-around step
There’s also “Half Mile Gate”, it’s precisely a half mile from our gate. Guess how far it is round trip?
Half-Mile Gate
This morning is thundery and rainy. I carried an umbrella and we only went to Half Mile Gate.
There’s also “excursions” where we can cut through the woods in a loop, or another path to the beach and back. That adds a lot of steps. I’m trying to break my 33 day record of making my step goal in my fitness tracker.
Today I’m going to the dentist. Regular cleaning plus one of my permanent caps came in. Pretty soon I’ll get the other cap and the implant. (Both will be installed at the same time.) Then I should be back at 100%, dental-wise.
I’m tired this morning. I just want to go back to bed. But my coffee is really, really good! I think the coffee will be very effective today!!
Man! I saw some shit this weekend! 10 years worth. Got our septic tank pumped Saturday. I didn’t take pictures.
I did take pictures, however, of taking Lenny to the beach. He’s pretty cool but he’s still afraid of the waves. He’s not afraid to try and drive my van though. (I didn’t let him, I made him scooch over)
But he does enjoy the beach, and he’s pretty good at it too!
Meanwhile, Ashy did what she’s good at, look at the effort, the exertion, the professionalism!
This morning on our walk, the full moon setting was spectacular.
A also bought spur-of-the-moment tickets to go see my Mom in less than two weeks. Southwest Air nonstop to Baltimore. Cheap price too! About half the normal price!
Seems like it’d make more sense to do it in the winter though, so people can get away from the cold.
Happy Friday! Here’s a post of our feral cat BTK (pronounced BeeTeeKee) I guess shes about 10 years old, and is the mother of most of our feral cat club. We used to have seven feral cats we feed every day, but that number has dwindled to four)
She got her name, because she’s the mother. When we first started feeding her, she was nursing her kittens, and she had huge boobs. I started calling her “Big Titty Kitty”. Then we changed her name breifly to BTK, (pronounced BTK), then shortly thereafter, we changed the pronounciation to BeeTeeKee. Still spelled BTK.
She’s a real cutie, and you can pet her while she’s eating. (Only when she’s eating)
For probably a year, maybe more, I’ve been suggesting that my wife and I switch sides on the bed. She days there’s a streetlight down the road that, when the door is open, shines right on her pillow.
I tease her. I tell her, “I have a secret for sleeping with lights, I close my eyes!”
Our house is up on stilts, as you probably know. Having the door open is essential for a good breeze and cool sleeping.
Last week, she agreed to give it a try on the weekend, which now, was last weekend. Last weekend came and went, I remembered, but didn’t say anything. I could tell she wasn’t up for it.
Yesterday, she said she’d give it a try. I asked her if she was sure, and that I could tell she had doubts last weekend. I also told her that I remembered, but didn’t say anything. She thanked me for that.
So, we did, last night, I slept on her side and she slept on mine. Yes, the streetlight does shine on the pillow, but not too bad.
Now we’ll see, if she want’s to go ahead and make the switch. Switching nightstands. The big act of permacy.
On a side note, for this post, I did a search for “couple in bed”. Sheesh! Nothing realistic. All the pics were couples romantically entwined, sleeping and smiling. My wife and I sleep passed out, unconscious, covers a wreck. When we wake up we have to re-assemble the whole bed. Nothing like that on Google images!
And of course, she says I snore loudly.. Of course, we all know I don’t snore! When I sleep, I’m like a quiet little angel!
If she decides she doesn’t want to switch sides, laying there examining the streetlight from her point of view, I think I could devise a shield, attached to the hinge of the door, that would block the streetlight.
Back to work today. This morning I was walking the dog, thinking that I need to work around the bureaucracy at work. It’s preventing me from getting things done. Some of my co-workers and bosses embrace the bureaucracy, to me, to the point of being a hinderance.
But I normally don’t talk negative specifics about work here. This isn’t the place for it.
It was a good weekend, the wife had a party for a friend who is getting married. I set up the tables and lights, and helped as much as I could. Then I got out of the house for the party. Sunday, I took down the lights and tables, and Yesterday, we took them all back to my wife’s workplace and helped her put them away. Then we had a huge breakfast at a restaurant called Laurens.
I also made it to the beach this weekend.
So it was a pretty good long weekend. The wife has the day off today, wish I did. When it comes to weekends, longer is better!
The weather reports are getting flaky again, some say rain, some say not. I suspect there will be rain, later this week.
Always just in time for a weekend, the internet troubles begin. Our ISP, candywhacky, (They keep changing their name. C&W, Lime, Flow, different names, same crappy service). Whatever they call themselves, they say they have a policy of looking into problems within four working hours, which is what they tell you to get you off the phone, when you’re angry and frustrated and you realize they aren’t going to provide the service you pay them for. Of course, they never respond in 4 hours. Weekends aren’t “working hours” so when you have a problem before a weekend, you know nothing will improve till the following week
Not to mention the high prices, I’m paying about $300 CI dollars a month for my wife’s and my cell phones and our home internet. That’s about $400 US dollars. I looked on the internet for most expensive countries to own a cell phone. Shute! We’re way higher than the highest on the list!
Right now, I’m using my phones mobile data to post this post. That’s expensive if I go over the limit. My wife and I share 3 gigs a month. I keep mine off, except for rare occasions..
I keep a record of when our internet is down, We havent had a failure like this since April, almost two whole months! It was only out about 4 days that time! There’s 30 days in a month, but do I ever get a discount for not getting what I pay for? Oh hell no!
Last night my wife and I with some friends went and saw the movie Rocketman, about Elton John. I thought it was quite good. Worth seeing.
It’s a musical, with the characters singing as they go on with their normal lives, first musical I ever saw that wasn’t cheesy.
My favorite part was when Elton John, and everyone in the crowd starts floating.
Least favorite, like the move Bohemian Rhapsody, I didn’t think it was necessary to make the homosexuality so blatant. Everyone knows it’s there, I don’t need (or want) to see it.
Bottom line: super good, worth seeing in the theater.
Today at work, I have annual safety training. Tomorrow is FRIDAY!