
I started to post yesterday, but accidently closed the tab and thought I lost everything. But I didn’t. I had typed exactly one letter.

I was all shook up yesterday, I still am, but less so today. Last year, I protested an American Express charge for $1999 from somebody called Wowsa Media never heard of them, never bought anything from them. The only thing I recall is a $4 app that was supposed to give me NFL football but didn’t work.

It was a year ago, and I don’t really remember.

So, Dec 24th this year, there’s another $1999 charge from Wowza, I called and disputed the charge again, ane a yesterday I found an email saying the dispute was reviewed, and I owed the money.

Well, I disputed it again, and it’s ongoing now.

But I feel betrayed by American Express. i’ve been a customer for decades, and I use my card a lot, every month.

On a different note, it’s New Years Eve. Hope 2021 is better than 2020, but I’m skeptical.

Running Late This Tuesday

I thought it was Monday, in the non cognizant part of my brain. Yesterday I thought it was Monday too, which it was, but I had my rockets all fired up to launch when I realized it was a bank holiday (Boxing Day) and I couldn’t do what I needed to do, run around and pay the bills. and go grocery shopping. I could have gone grocery shopping yesterday, but I only want to make one trip. A big loop with the first stop far away and each stop getting closer and closer to back home.

I also have a flat tire to fix before I go.

So, I’m almost done with my second cuppa coffee and I’m almost ready to go!

Have a great day!

2020s Last Monday

Here we are, last Monday of 2020. It’s the Boxing Day holiday day off, and I’m still on vacation time. The wife is quarantined downstairs until the 6th. I’m back to work Monday the 4th. One week from today, I just realized.

Above are two pictures of the apartment the wife sent. Came out good, I think. It’s a studio apartment, one room and a bathroom with laundry. I really like it.

The plan for today is: my van has a flat tire I need to fix, a little grocery shopping perhaps and beach. It was rough seas all weekend and our dives were canceled.

But it’s a nice day now, so have a good week!

Man In The High Castle

Just finished season one of “The Man In The High Castle“. Very weird, pretty good. USA lost WW2, the east coast is German, the west coast is Japanese. The Rockies are the neutral zone.. And there’s lots of spies. It’s worth watching, better with someone you can discuss it with.

Tomorrow is Christmas. Whoop diddy doo. That’s how I feel about it.

Bad attitude today.

Happy Holidays, Merry Christmas, Happy Kwanzaa.

Wife begins her quarantine

The wife made it in OK, had her first ever covid test at the airport. (I get one monthly at work, the airport) Hers was negative. So, in two weeks she gets another and if it’s negative, she can leave quarantine and come upstairs. And go back to work.

Today I need to head out for cat food because I calculate the holidays will be here when we run out.

Murderous Cat With Knife because we ran out of cat food.

Above is a t shirt I love.

Nice day here, AC off, windows open. Have a goodun!

Early Anyway

Even though I’m on holiday, I got up early this AM. The wife got up at 3 her time to go to the airport, and I messaged her. Right now we’re both drinking our first cuppa coffee.

She’s coming home today and I think I have everything ready. It will be very difficult social distancing from her for two more weeks.

Have a terrific Tuesday.

On The Way Back

At 5:02 this morning, Cayman time, the sun began its journey back to the tropic of Cancer after reaching its southernmost point on the Tropic of Capricorn. The first day of winter for the northern half of this planet. Below is something I knew, and something I didn’t know:


Also on the way back is my wife, who will arrive home from Costa Rica tomorrow, and begin two weeks quarantine in our apartment.

Not on the way back is me, who is on holiday until next year.

So have an easy winter, if you’re in the northern hemisphere, and enjoy the longer days coming.

Movie: Edge Of Tomorrow

Last night I watched a movie that I thought was good. Edge Of Tomorrow. It was like Groundhog Day meets The Matrix. (The “Edge” machine monsters reminded me of the Sentinels in The Matrix)

A good plot with plenty of action, shooting, and blowing stuff up. Definitely worth a watch.

Yesterday, I was running late. I didn’t even have time for coffee or posting. By the time I got dressed, it was time to go.

Now it’s Friday, and it’s my last workday of 2020! Commence vacation at home!

Zero Percent

They don’t look square in the picture, but they are square.

It awes me in a bad way that nothing ever goes as planned, nothing is ever easy.

I bought a dozen 18×18 pavers to make a back porch for the downstairs. Lay ’em down, level ’em off, done in an hour. That was the plan. This is the beginning of the third day…

If you look at the picture above, you can tell they’re not all the same size. The six in the middle are seventeen inches and the left three and right three are seventeen and a half. Maybe it’s normal that none 18 inch tiles are 18 inches, but at least they could all be the same size.

Which six do I take back? Biguns or littleuns? I’m sure whichever I pick will be the wrong ones, might as well take ’em all.

In a week, the wife will be back, quarantining downstairs. Hopefully with a little porch she can get some sun and fresh air on.

Have a good Wednesday!

Late Tuesday

I’m running late late late. Time to head out the door.

Had weird dreams last night, didn’t sleep well.

Water heater quit heating. It was working yesterday morning but not last evening.

Have a good day!