Photos On The Road

Once, many many years ago, on a blog, I saw a picture of a runned-over soda can on the street. I thought, “how cool and artsy, whoda ever thunk to take a picture of a smooshed soda can?” So below attempt at cool, artsy street photos:

Future Pothole
My Morning Comet
Longshadow Cats

Aren’t I cool now? Are you awed by my artistic eye? Maybe these should be in a museum.

Have a great week!

So Cold You Gotta Wear Flip Flops

It’s so cold here, with the doors and windows open, the tile floor is so cold, I need to wear flip flops to keep comfortable feet.

First night of Hanukkah was last night, I went to the JCC for the candle lighting, but it wasn’t there, it was at the mall. I went to the mall and there was no parking, so I came home.

Looking forward to the weekend. I just wanna sleep.

See Ya!

Poisoning Dogs

Apparently, someone is putting out poison for dogs in areas that include where I walk Lenny and Daisy. Also putting it in people’s yards and one dog got poisoned while on the leash walking.

What assholes it must take to poison randomly. Who can possibly have so much hate and be so evil?

So yesterday and this morning it was “Yard Walks”. Crazy Daisy Dukes and Lenny couldn’t understand it. They were rarin’ to go, over the horizon, like every morning. I was telling them “No Pulling” while dragging them to the left, away from the gate to temporary leashed freedom.

Today is my work Christmas Party. I wasn’t too popular when I recommended we cancel it at a staff meeting, due to an extreme reduction in airport revenue. So instead of a fancy restaurant, we’re having a lunch in the board room. That ought save a little money.

Still cold here, but the clouds are breaking up. Hope for a sunny weekend!

Dec 7th, A Day That Will Live In Infamy

Manrique and Llorena

Day before yesterday, Dec 7th, my Father In Law died. (Technically my stepfather in law.) Night before last we booked my wife’s ticket to fly home. Yesterday morning she left.

I got along good with my father in law. There will be big changes in the family. His wife won’t be able to maintain the big house and property.

The wife plans on coming back the 27th. Add two weeks quarantine, it will be 2021 before I am with her again. Hopefully she will quarantine in our apartment, and we can gaze longingly at each other from a social 6 feet.

Talk to you tomorrow!

Long Time Ago

It seems like a long time ago, looking at my previous post. It’s Monday. I guess I didn’t post Friday because of going to work early.

The FOD Walk was fun. I got to walk on our new runway.

Friday also there was a “graduation” ceremony for that training class I hated so bad. I got a trophy for high scores in my final paper.

it was a good weekend too. I fixed the outdoor electrical outlets and helped the wife put up strings of red lights for some reason this time of year.

Sunday went diving, ther was a super strong current. We swam out to the deep wall and there seemed to be no current at all, then when we got to the bottom it was rippin’! Then we had a hard swim across the sand flats back.

I had a headache the rest of the day, either from exertion while breathing tanked air or because I didn’t drink any coffee at all yesterday morning. Probably the former.

Th came this morning and apparently he took out garbage can. I went to get it from the street and it’s gone… Simply disappeared.

Hope this week disappears fast. They’ve been slow lately.

Have a goodun!

And So It Begins..

Last night we went to our first Christmas Party of the season. It was quite nice. The one at my wife’s workout place, Fitness Connection. As always it was super nice. Tonight is her work Christmas party.

Also last night, we went to the opening of an art exhibit at the National Gallery. It was quite cool.

The wife and I really liked.the hermit crabs.

And today I’m going into work early for a FOD walk, where we walk around the runway and pick up garbage. Then they feed us!

Have a great weekend!

Pleasant Sleep

Had a very pleasant nights sleep for a change. I slept good and was comfortable, which I didn’t realize was such a rare occurrence till just now. I had a dream I was on a boat (or a backyard picnic, not sure which) an i was spraying people with a garden hose. Then late on i go sprayed back.

Here it’s cold and windy. The weather news is discussing the possibility of a “rare December tropical storm” but it’s too cold and I already called it – Hurricane Season is Finished.

Tomorrow is Friday. Enjoy your day.

Service Work

One day a florist went to a barber for a haircut. After the cut, he asked about his bill, and the barber replied, ‘l cannot accept money from you, I’m doing community service this week.’

The florist was pleased and left the shop.

When the barber went to open his shop the next morning, there was a ‘thank you ‘ card and a dozen roses waiting for him at his door.

Later, a cop comes in for a haircut, and when he tries to pay his bill, the barber again replied, ‘l cannot accept moneyfrom you, I’m doing community service this week.’

The cop was happy and left the shop.

The next morning when the barber went to open up, there was a ‘thank you ‘ card and a dozen doughnuts waiting for him at his door.

Then a Member of Parliament came in for a haircut. and when he went to pay his bill, the barber again replied, ‘l cannot accept money from you. I’m doing community service this week.’

The Member of Parliament was very happy and left the shop.

The next morning, when the barber went to open up, there were a dozen Members of Parliament lined up waiting for a free haircut.

And that, my friends, illustrates the fundamental difference between the citizens of most countries and the politicians who run them.

Skylar Mack – Jackass Of The YEAR

This ‘person’ comes here for her boyfriends event, maliciously intending to violate her quarantine and endanger countless others. She came for the event, less that two weeks before the event. She knew she wouldn’t have time to do her two weeks quarantine, hence the proof of malice.

Now she’s in a lockdown quarantine facility, her boyfriend is in jail and everyone she came in contact with has to be tracked down and spend two weeks in quarantine and be tested for covid. Including an infant she was holding.

Read the article HERE.

Again, the few ruin things for the many. You treat people like adults, and it works fine till one asshole screws it up for everyone else. Like the 911 bombers who took most of the joy out of air travel. Yep, Skylar Mack is exactly the same type of person as a 911 terrorist.