
I slept good last night, I went to bed a little early and was instantly asleep. I didn’t even get to get my watch off the charger (my watch has the sleep monitor built-in.) I’da liked to have seen that one!

In more sleep news, I believe I’ve mentioned awareness and negative thoughts while sleeping, and while I remember the negativity and persistence, i seldom remember the specific content. So, I put a pen and notebook by the bed. Since then, the torturous self destructive where I’m asleep, telling myself bad things about myself have stopped. I’ve had nothing to write down. Which is good!

Luckily, many problems vanish instantly when confronted. The hardest part seems to be becoming aware of them. By the way, yesterday’s post about not sleeping was from a different source than this mental stuff I’m talking about now. I didn’t go to bed because I was upset about something else.

It seems that I’ve been meeting a lot of people who have trouble sleeping similar to mine. It seems our little quirks (MY little quirks I maybe should say), magnify into larger personality disorders as we (I) get older..

It’s almost the weekend! Bring it!

Normal Nights

I have very few “normal evenings” between now and the beginning of March. Visitors and recording events filling the weekends and some weeks.. I’ll be pretty much running nonstop for a while.

I’m not complaining, I’m glad to be busy, don’t get me wrong, but I didn’t sleep very well last night I’d like to be getting off on a better foot.

I doubt lack of sleep will affect me too bad today I’ve been swimming the half mile almost every day and pretty strenuous exercise in the morning. I was planning on taking it easy in that regard today.

Tomorrow should be back on track, sleep-wise!


There was a massive earthquake in the Turkey – Syria border region. There’s wars and politics and borders messing up the relief efforts. 5000 dead so far, a number sure to rise.

My heart goes out to the people of that area, we’re all the same. Our only differences come from the fact that we all believe the local stuff we are immersed in day in, day out. From childhood to adulthood.

Walking and Diving

It was a good weekend, Saturday was the 5K walk / run.

Sunday was a nice dive, although we had to shift the dive spot from south to north.

it was nice dive with a stingray and boxfish that posed for me. And the stingray let me pose with her!

And now it’s back to work on a Monday

Have a great week!

I’m Going To Jail! Volunteers Needed!

Starting yesterday, Friday the 3rd, it’s illegal for me to feed my cats!*

I’ve been feeding my feral cats for over 10 years, I’m not going to stop because of some new law. Just throw me in jail right now, and feed my cats for me while I’m away!

Read the article HERE.

There used to be seven cats, now there’s four. I have one now, yowling in protest at the indignation of being in a kennel. He’s on his way to the veterinarian.

Now chickens, i can see how feeding them is criminal. They steal my cats food, poop on the pavement and dig up my yard. You can throw them chicken feeding mo’fo’s in the slammer and throw away the key! I have to guard against any chickens getting any food in my yard, because if they do, they’ll be back, and they”ll bring their friends. Curse you chickens and you evil chicken feeding bastards. 😁

AND! Happy Anniversary to me! February 4th, 1997, I arrived here in Cayman, hoping to stay as long as they’d keep me. Feb 4th 2023, 26 years today! I’m still here, and grateful every day for it!

Also, I finished this book yesterday, A Visit From The Goon Squad

I thought it was a great book that needs to be read more than once.
This book is like a novel, it’s more or less about the same people the whole book. It’s also like a book of short stories because the chapters are not necessarily related to each other. The chapters don’t seem to be in proper time order. One chapter is all pictures and charts.
This book is different than any other book I’ve ever read. It’s good, it’s interesting. and I recommend you read it and tell me what you think. I did spend some time lost, and this book might be better the second (or third) time it is read than the first..

Have a great Saturday and Sunday, see you Monday! I’m off to the walk/run.

  • (* I know, I know, the article says nobody can feed them on public property, so feeding my cats in my yard is legal, but it’s fun to rant and rave, ya know?)


I am GLAD it’s the weekend. Every day this week has seemed like Friday.

My pickleball yesterday was cancelled, now it’s the next two Thursdays.

This is my last “Normal” weekend until the second weekend in March. I have visitors and events until then.

Today Goldie is going to the vets. He quit grooming himself like Ashy did. I’m not attributing it to dental this time.

Tomorrow morning is a 5K walk. (yes, walk, not run)

Addison is an impossibly young girl who committed suicide. This memorial for her is for awareness of mental health and abuse issues.

Have a good weekend!


I slept pretty good last night, but I’m tired right now.. I took it easy on my morning exercise this morning. I have a body full of sore muscles, and I plan on swimming at lunch. I won’t mention yesterday’s chin-ups.

After work I have a pickleball lesson. From what I understand pickleball is exactly like ping Pong except you’re standing on the table. Seriously, it looks like tennis.

Tomorrow I’ll let you know how it went!

Full February

It’s already February. In 5 days, this new year will be 10% finished.

I have visitors in the apartment most weekends plus for a full week in February.. I will be taking several vacation days.

Have a great day and a Magical Month!