Lucky You

I just finished Lucky You, by Carl Hiaasen. I really enjoyed it, all Hiaasens books seem good to me.

Two winners win the Florida Lottery, a racist white supremacist redneck and a black woman. The redneck steals her ticket and the story takes off from there.

Worth reading, twice… I think I had read it before.

For a slow, dragging long week, suddenly it seems to be nearing its end. I’m glad for that.

Have a great day!

Early Bird VS Night Owl

about 4 minutes

After watching the video above, I wonder how my cicadian system is. I have a pretty regular schedule, and I get quite a bit of sun I’d say.

I go to bed at 9:30:or 10 and wake up a little after midnight. I’m pretty happy in life most of the time, I have a lot to be grateful for and I am, but between midnight and 5, when I’m insomniaizing, I’m very miserable. I’ve learned not to pay too much attention to it, because I know it’s a temporary state.

Getting a good night’s sleep is something that has eluded me for years. I would love to go to sleep at 10, and not wake up till 6. I can’t take any sleep aids, they all say “do not take if you have glaucoma”. (I have glaucoma)

Many people my age seem to have a difficult time sleeping it seems like.

have a wonderful day!

Losing Time

it seems lately that there’s not enough time in the mornings. My morning routine, as far as I know, hasn’t changed, but I seem to be about 10 or 15 minutes short on time in the mornings. I don’t know why. I’d hate to start waking up earlier, I already wake up at 5 till 5. I guess I could get up at 4:45, but I’d like to find out where I’m losing time and get it back somehow.

have a great day!

Deja Vu?

It was a medium niceness weekend. Pickleball and dinner out Friday evening. Saturday I cleaned up from the work last week, Sunday morning I went to the beach till about noon, then was supposed to meet my new “reliable” pet sitter about my trip to the US in under two weeks. She didn’t show, and there was no communication, beside that she was coming “after church”, which is approximately noon.

if you recall a similar experience with the pet sitter who backed out and caused me to waste my ticket to Jamaica. That was last July I think.

When the petsitter did reappear in the evening, she apologized but seemed to get angry with me because I had expected her to show up.

do I give another chance? Or try and find somebody else?

Above is a picture of Venus and the moon, taken this morning.

Have a great week!

The Call Of The Cthulhu

I didn’t like it. But!

I thought Call of Cthulhu was the final book of the challenge… 16, because there was one I DNF (Did Not Finish) so I i lost count somehow.. The total this year is 17, not 18. So far!

And, another milestone

500 days of OM Meditation, standard is 6 minutes a day. 7 minutes a lot of time, never less than 5. Here’s to 500 more!

The tilers are tiling already this morning. They’re supposed to be done today, but who knows? The heat and sun have been more than they expected.

Have a great day!

Tiling Day Two

Yesterday we carried a whole heaps tile and thinset from downstairs all the way up to the roof. This morning, the guys showed up just before 6:30 and they’re up there now, cutting and tiling.

It’s going to be nice when it’s done.

Tiling Today

the tiling of the sun deck starts today. I’m taking off work for 3 days to guard the workers from the guard dogs. Here’s a “before” shot.

Have a great day!

Salmon Mini Burgers

I bought a six pack of canned salmon for hurricane supplies. I didn’t know what to do with them. Last night I created my own recipe, pictured above. I was surprised how good they were, (if I do say so myself)

I ate them like cookies. Which makes me think I’m going to change the name from salmon mini burgers to Salmon cookies..

Have a great week!