I made it home last night, had a great time in Jamaica. I’m thinking about going back in July.
It was my first trip since before covid. I’m glad to have it under my belt. I will be traveling more from now on.
Of course, I took Travlin’ Tim on the trip.

Im think about retiring him. He’s large and faded, and has been broken and glued. Mostly he’s too valuable to me to risk any more. Meet Backpacker Bob:

But I don’t know for sure yet. I love Travlin’Tim. And he loves to travel. Travlin’Tim has the history, and the experience. Maybe he should just keep on with me until the very end. I dunno, I’m thinking here!
And on a side note: someone once suggested Travlin’ Tim was from the Travelocity gnome. He is not. He is inspired from the French movie Amelie, and I believe he predates the Travelocity’s gnome. Just FYI. I would guess the their gnome is from the same movie.
it’s a Monday holiday here, I got back late last night and in a little while I get to go get my two dawgies.
Have a wonderful week!