Fabulous Jamaica

I made it home last night, had a great time in Jamaica. I’m thinking about going back in July.

It was my first trip since before covid. I’m glad to have it under my belt. I will be traveling more from now on.

Of course, I took Travlin’ Tim on the trip.

Im think about retiring him. He’s large and faded, and has been broken and glued. Mostly he’s too valuable to me to risk any more. Meet Backpacker Bob:

But I don’t know for sure yet. I love Travlin’Tim. And he loves to travel. Travlin’Tim has the history, and the experience. Maybe he should just keep on with me until the very end. I dunno, I’m thinking here!

And on a side note: someone once suggested Travlin’ Tim was from the Travelocity gnome. He is not. He is inspired from the French movie Amelie, and I believe he predates the Travelocity’s gnome. Just FYI. I would guess the their gnome is from the same movie.

it’s a Monday holiday here, I got back late last night and in a little while I get to go get my two dawgies.

Have a wonderful week!

Jamaica Tomorrow

24 hours from now, i should be boarded on the plane , getting ready to depart for Jamaica.

I’m going for their Roundup, and I’ll see how similar it is to Cayman’s Roundup.

Becauae of Covid lockdown, i met quite a few people online from Jamaica, and I look forward to meeting them in real life. It’s going to be an excellent trip!

Have a great weekend!

Diving Elephants?

this morning I was dreaming that I was scuba diving on a shipwreck. It was a beautiful, upright shipwreck . Crystal clear Blue warm water good visibility a nice dive. Probably 50 to 80 ft deep. In the dream, I was surprised to see a very large elephant standing on the deck of the ship. I swam forward on the ship and there was another elephant standing on the bottom off the port side forward. There were also two dolphins, still, apparently looking at the elephant. My thought was, “I didn’t know elephants could go that this deep” it was a very pleasant dream and a nice dive.

it seemed like I was sleeping well when the alarm went off this morning. I wonder which is better, to have my sleep disturbed by the alarm? Or to be awake already when the alarm goes off? It’s a real poser.

it’s almost the weekend, tomorrow is Friday hooray!

What If?

My meditation this morning included “what would you do today if you had one week to live?” I would do the same thing I’m doing. I’d go to work, then the beach for lunch. (Maybe I wouldn’t go to work, just the beach). As far as dying in a week? I really don’t feel like I’d care. I have a great life, i can see it’s better than most peoples. I wouldn’t trade places with anybody, but I’ve been around long enough for me. On a side note, I’d rather die fast than decay slowly.

The meditation said that any breath could be our last. At the time, i was standing with my feet wide apart, trying to get my head to touch the floor. (Only about two feet to go!) I could easily fall and break my neck. Any breath COULD be our last. But oh well, can’t worry about it.

Seems like a morbid post this morning, but it isn’t really.. Have a fun day!

Wendys Combos

The other day I went to Wendys, I seldom go to any fast food places, but I felt like using the drive thru. I ordered the #9 combo, grilled chicken sandwich. An outrageous $9.35. I placed my order, the man in the speaker box replied “Do you want medium or large combo?” I said I didn’t know what that meant, it wasn’t on the menu.. The speaker voice asked if I wanted a medium fries and soda or a large fries and soda?” I repeated, “I don’t know, I only see one thing on the menu, #9 combo, $9.35.” “Ahhh,” said the voice in the box, “you want the small combo.”

So, I ordered a sepcific thing, the employee automatically tried to give me an item more expensive than I requested, (and the item I requested wasn’t even presented as an option.)

Isn”t that illegal? Bait and switch? Racketeering? It’s gotta be illegal. Another reason not to eat fast food too often. they try to rip people off, so less people go, so they need to rip off the remaining customers even worse.

Anyway, I’m off to work again, Happy Tuesday!

5K Dog Jog

The dawgies and I had a nice time at the dog jog. (We walked, we didn’t jog). Afterwards we went to the beach and had coffee with a friend.. (who took my picture).

It was a nice, quiet day after that.

Now it’s back to work! Have a wonderful week!

The Lost 10 Minutes

I didn’t post yesterday,, I was running 10 minutes late for some inexpicable reason Day befoore yesterday, I posted and look at my watch and it was 10 minutes later than I expected.

Something in my morningis consumning an extrea 10 minutes.

On a different note, I like my Kindle Scribe, but I’m pretty peeved that my case was lost. Amazon said they’d email in 48 hours and they haven’t. The Scribe seems pretty worthless without the case. I don’t expect to get the caae I ordered, and I didn’t want to order another of the same, in case it was a purposeful fipoff. So I ordered two different cases, in case one gets ripped off again. If I get both, maybe on will fit inside the other… Insane.

Anyway, it’s Saturday night, late. I’ll talk to you Monday morning, unless I lose the 10 minutes again.

Wait A Few Days

I have no idea what I’m going to post about today.

Refering to yesterday and my lost Kindle Scribe case, there is no employee by the name given by the Amazon driver. And the office wasn’t even open that day it was allegedly delivered. Amazon is looking into it, and will email me in a few days, but my gut says gone.

Also missing is a Washington Commie shirt. Allegedly delivered by DHL. My delivery agent says it’s probably at the post office, we should wait a few days..

So I’m waiting a few days….

Its almost Friday, unfortunately there is allegedly a nuther weather system moving in to spoil the weekend..

c’est la vie. That’s French. It means Say La Vee. Say La Vee means: Don’t lose any sleep over it.

Ciao (That’s Italian. It means Chow, see you at suppertime!)

Girl Finds Megalodon Tooth!

I think this is a great story. Imagine how happy she must be.

I remember when I was about the same age, i ran away from home. I didn’t make it too far when I found this excellent disc of a rock. Well, I had no choice, I had to go back home and put it in my rock collection. (I used to want to be a geologist). That rock is sitting on my dresser right now, i use it as an incense burner for my cone incense. It’s been everywhere I’ve ever lived with me.

i got the Kindle Scribe yesterday, i love it. But the case didn’t arrive. It apparently was delivered to “My Agent” in Miami, and I expected it, but alas, woe is me. In the meantime I’m using an old sleeve to keep it in.

Well, its hump day. Have a great, great great day!!!

My Agent

Today is the day I should get my new Kindle Scribe . I’m more than a little excited about it! You can write and take notes on it I have notebooks and papers all over where I write stuff and perhaps it will work out to keep everything in one place.

I use a brokerage service, my orders get shipped to Miami, and they shipmthem here, bring it through customs and handle all the hassle, then I pick it up from them. Well last afternoon, after working hours, i got the email from customs saying I had a shipment, and my agent or I needed to come pick it up. Well, I’m sending my Agent

I reckon they’ll go today and pick it up.and if they don’t feel like torturing me too bad, I’ll get it today. If not, tomorrow!

Have a great day!