First Full Week

it’s the first full week of 2023. Five full days of working bliss! Hooo RAY!

Above is the first harvest from my Otaheite apple tree. 1 lb, 14 oz. I haven’t eaten one yet. I feel like I should give some to my ex-wife, she started the tree from a seed.

Next weekend is a half mile swim on Saturday and the 5K Dog Walk/Run on Sunday. I haven’t been training for either. Both are do-able without training for me, but I definitely want to get out and swim a few times this week I’ll swim to swim and walk the run.

Have a fantastic week!

A Man Called Ove

I finished the book “A Man Called Ove” yesterday. It was Fantastically Supergood! It’s about a grumpy old man, his wife has died and he got laid off work. He keeps trying to commit suicide and getting interrupted by his new neighbors, a young family of four (and a half). And a cat adopts him.

i read half this book in one day, mostly on the beach, laughing out loud in public like a psycho. Also getting teary eyed quite a few times.

This book was super good. One of my all time favorites (I’ve said that two books in a row now). This book is so good, they’ve made it into a movie.

I am very much looking forward to this movie! I recommend the book, probably the movie too, I’ll let you know.

Happy First Friday of 2023! Have a great weekend, unless you have made other plans! 🙂

Brushing Your Teeth

When do you brush your teeth? I brush my teeth at night before bed, and I assume almost everybody else does too. But when in the mornings?

But what about other times? Do you brush your teeth in the morning when you first wake up? Do you brush your teeth after breakfast before you go to work? Do you brush your teeth in between sips of coffee?

I’ve been trying to decide when is the best time to brush your teeth in the morning. When I first wake up, I haven’t eaten anything since I last brushed my teeth, so it doesn’t make sense really to brush them again and then go eat breakfast and drink coffee.

I also have a toothbrush and toothpaste at work and sometimes we’ll brush my teeth there. It’s nice to be able if it feels needed

I brush my teeth immediately before bed, and at some point before I go to work in the morning. I’m trying to figure out when, in the morning, is the best time, precisely, to brush one’s teeth?

What say you about morning toothbrushing?


Round 2

First day back to work is done. Ready for round 2. Today is a “must swim” day. I get to feeling like I must swim and have gone in pouring rainstorms before. Today is a must swim day, and it won’t be raining! (I don’t think).

Have a wonderful day!

Back To Work 2023

Well, its back to work this morning. I’m looking forward to getting back to the routine

Yesterday was my 32nd birthday. I entered the program when I was 30, 32 years ago.

Surprising this morning, rain. It was wet when I went out for my morning exercise, but cloudlessly clear when I walked the dogs. Just now a 30 second, heavy rain shower passed by. Surprising. It’s good!

If you’re back to work for the first time this year, good luck Enjoy. Attitude is everything. It’s going to be a good day!

Avatar 2

Yesterday afternoon I saw the movie Avatar 2: The Way Of Water.. It was good, i can understand people giving not so great reviews, but ignore them and see the movie in the theater. It was a very enjoyable movie.

What was wrong: Sully chose to leave his forest people and go to the water people because he was personally targeted by the Sky People. He did this to protect his family. Possibly, he should have sent them and continued as his people’s leader. Bad decision, let’s live with it and move on. Sigourney Weaver’s avatar had a baby, who seemed to have telepathic powers over the sea creatures. This maybe wasn’t explained with enough depth. But she was troubled that she could hear and feel the “mother” (God or the collective intelligence of the planet). And in the end, the bad guy was still alive and unaccounted for, and the infestation of sky people from which Sully fled was unaddressed. I guess the idea is to leave open the possibility of a third Avatar movie.

Anything else you’d care to add?

its easier to tell you the few bad things than list the million good things. I thought it was great overall.

This is probably my last post of the year. HAPPY NEW YEAR!

E.O.V. Blues

Well, I guess I got the End Of Vacation blues. Early next week, it’s back to work. We’re entering a normal holiday weekend and today is my last vacation day. The final Friday.

But im glad it’s the weekend, glad to be putting 2022 behind me and 2021 further behind me.2023 is going to be a great year!

This isn’t necessarily my last post of the year, but it might be, ya never know. The thought never occurred to me till just now.

have a great day, a fantastic weekend, and a most excellent new year, if I don’t talk to you again before then;

Morning Routine

I have a fairly fixed morning routine. I get up about 5 till 5. After the bathroom, i take my medicine (blood pressure, vitamins etc). Then I make sure the dogs have food and water, check and water the indoor plants if necessary.

Then its time to feed the outdoor cats and walk and exercise the dogs. We walk almost exactly a mile, usually running between every other street light. Then when we get back it’s time for my exercise and meditation.

After that is lovey dovey time for the dogs. This is more their idea than mine. I pet them wrestle them a little and give them attention and they’re jumping and licking and loving it. Afterwards it’s shower time, and I make coffee while I get dressed for the day.

Then Duolingo (500+ day streak!) and post my post on this blog. And out the door by 7, check the yard and off to work!

That’s my morning routine, almost everyday, almost unchanging.

Have a great day!