this weather has kind of thwarted my vacation plans of diving, going to the beach, and doing yard work.. yesterday, around noon we had a few Sunny hours but then it re-clouded and re-rained. I’m not as upset by the cancellation of my plans as I would think I would be, which is okay. However I cannot fathom the disappointment and frustration that you, my millions of daily readers, must be experiencing, as this inactivity leads to my lack of material to post about.
I will try to not let it bother me, please try to do the same. Have a good day and stay dry.
The wind is blowing so hard, it’s like a little hurricane outside. Not as bad as depicted in the picture above but the weather is gray and rainy and relatively cold for the tropical Cayman Islands. We are under the front that gave the winter storm to North America. According to the weatherman, it will remain stationary and dissipate. That means we’ll probably have this same weather for several more days. It’s been several days already, but so far is showing no signs of easing up. There has been no diving or beach for me this vacation.. it’s been largely a stay indoor vacation, but it ain’t over yet!
No Mans Land, the time between xmas and New Years. Historically, more people have asked me “what day is it today?” during this week than any other. I’ve already asked myself that very question this morning, counting on my fingers the days till I have to return to work.(7)
And lastly, here the weather sucks. Howling wind. Driving cold rain, complete cloud cover. The Arctic storm that hit North America has parked here, and will be around until it dissapates. Yeay…
Have a great week, don’t bother keeping track of time, I hope you get laid!
Yesterday i finished a fantastic book, turned out to be one of my favorites of all time. Doomsday Book. A book about time travel and a pandemic. In the book a young woman is sent back in time to the year 1320. But something goes wrong, and she is very I’ll upon arriving. At the start of the book, the parts that took place in the present time seemed irrelevant. The parts that take place in the 1300’s were very interesting. But the occurrences in the past merged with the occurrences in the present until both sides of the story were great. Definite must read.
And today:
500 Duolingo days in a row! I need to find someone to speak Spanish with though. Duolingo is my only experience.
Why I took the above photo, i don’t know, bit I’ve been wanting to post it for days. Like Andy Warhols soup can, it c̶o̶u̶l̶d̶ should be worth millions.
It was a productive day yesterday, i trimmed my stickerbushes and coconut trees. I have a lot of coconut water in the fridge. I have all my containers full and 3 coconut la left over
Today I’m going to clean the house. Going out to town will probably be “challenging” given the last minute shoppers out there.
Yesterday, as you already know, dear daily readers, I went to work. I was there about two hours, completing vitally important tasks. I probably saved the planet from destruction at least twice in those two hours.
While discussing my vacation situation with our cleaning lady. I showed her my calendar, and realized that yesterday was a vacation day, and I was at work, working!
So I finished my vital task’s and left, I went to the beach, went shopping for groceries, read my book and had a really nice day. And I’m not going back to work till 2023!
its the shortest day of the year today, tomorrow the days start getting longer again (in the northern hemisphere). At 4:47 PM EST today, the sun will momentarily be overhead at the Tropic of Capricorn and then will begin its way north again.
I have very much enjoyed the dark mornings this time around.
It’s the last day of my work week this week, I have Thursday and Friday off, as you know. Next week is the big holiday week and I don’t even know my schedule without looking in my calendar at work. I have very few work days left this year.
During my lunchtime, it has become difficult, if not impossible for .me to make it to my half mile swim course. Yesterday i tested out a new course, closer to work.
I swam from Eden Rock to Don Fosters and back. Four tenths of a mile. The yellow line in the above image is 400 meters. So there and back would be 800 meters. The red line is an easy to spot turn around point, but would make the swim considerably longer than 800 meters.
It is more advanced swimming than along Seven Mile Beach, with ironshore instead of sand, there’s not a lot of places to get out in an emergency. And it’s quite a bit rougher water than 7MB. My return to Eden Rock was a little more difficult than my trip away. On 7 Mile Beach you can literally pull over anywhere, get out and walk along the beach. Here, you have to find a ladder to climb up and then make it to the street through private property to get back to your starting point. There is absolutely no walking along the shore. Also the bottom is sharp coral and a miskick or not paying attention and getting too shallow could prove dangerous. But overall, it’s a good, swimmable course. And I imagine it will make the Seven Mile Beach swims seem easier.
Happy Tuesday! I guess this time of year a lot of people are taking a lot of time off. Enjoy!
I received an email from Goodreads that I found interesting. My Year In Books.
If you’re on Goodreads, find me (MarkD60) and add me to your friends list.
It was a good long weekend, I got my World Cup Wish, Argentina won! The score was 3-3, but France lost because of penalties. I think the NFL should do that and eliminate ties. If the end score is the same, the team which racked up the greatest penalty yardage, loses. The ties mess everything up..
Yesterday all I got done was cleaning a small section of my closet, and sorted through my t-shirts and shorts. It would have taken you a half hour, it took me all day.
I found a wrapped gift next to the wall, behind a box. A very nice journal. I guess it was a gift for the wife that fell out of the stack in the hiding place.
i went out and got some plastic storage containers for all the t shirts I won’t be needing for a while, if ever.