More Rain

We had some pretty good rain yesterday here at home, finally. I got to use the umbrella while walking Lanny. Hopefully we’ll get still more today and then have a sunny weekend!

Aren’t I demanding?

So,.I’m switched over to GoDaddy. Having some minor problems with tags, the last half seem to be missing, I’m unable to add them back..

Also.I got a call from GoDaddy marketing, for only $4000 dollars a year, they’ll increase my traffic. For what? What is here that anyone would want? I often wonder what my purpose here is, I don’t really have one. This is like a diary, I have no mission and can see no value here.

What am I doing here?

The Lost Week

As you know, I switched web hosts. They told me they were done several times. After the umpteenth time, my site quit working. When they got it working, after two days of complaining, it was a week-old version, missing the 18th thru today.


Not much I can do about it, my backup is for the 17th, same as what car back up.

Oh well, I can only get on with my life, try to not let the lost week destroy me!




101Domain informed me they would quit hosting, so I switched to GoDaddy. The switch is apparently complete, but I have to sign off on it.

Typical Monday Post

It was a nice weekend, seemed long. Friday after work, I dropped my vehicle for service, Had a lazy evening at home.

Saturday I did aomw yard work, and picked my vehicle up in the afternoon.

Sunday went diving, pictures above.

Typical Weekend, Typical post. Nothin’ to see here folks.

Have a great week!

Blog Needs A New Home

I got an email yesterday saying that my host is going out of business and I need a new place for my site

i briefly considered letting this blog go down with the ship. It’s been a long time. When I started, I didn’t know what blogging was and wanted to find out.

Now, after years of never really having a purpose or theme, I considered letting it go.

But I won’t I like going back in time and see what I was doing years ago. It’s a diary or journal blog, so I guess there is a theme after all.

Happy March First! Happy Friday!

Loss of Advantage

Several months ago, I started getting up at 4:45 instead of 5 till 5. At first it was wonderful, I had all this extra time. Now suddenly it seems like I don’t have so much extra time anymore. I barely have time to post my post before I have to run out the door. When I was married I got up at 4:20 a.m. to take care of all the stuff they need to be taken care of. Things are much better now, time wise but I do wish I wasn’t so rushed in the morning.

Also I don’t seem to have time for longer posts. I guess I’ll have to do more preparation in advance.

Until then, have a wonderful day! I’m headed out to work.

Happy Blog Birthday!

17 April 2005 was my first post on this blog. You can see it here. I never intended to write a blog. i went to blogspot to learn what blogging was because i didn’t know. Then I created an account, because I thought I had to, then i posted a post, because i thought I had to. And here we are today.

the funny thing I remember is how hard it was to find other people’s blogs in the beginning. Not a problem anymore for me but I wonder if newbies today have that problem.

Happy Birthday! Have a good week!

The Lost 10 Minutes

I didn’t post yesterday,, I was running 10 minutes late for some inexpicable reason Day befoore yesterday, I posted and look at my watch and it was 10 minutes later than I expected.

Something in my morningis consumning an extrea 10 minutes.

On a different note, I like my Kindle Scribe, but I’m pretty peeved that my case was lost. Amazon said they’d email in 48 hours and they haven’t. The Scribe seems pretty worthless without the case. I don’t expect to get the caae I ordered, and I didn’t want to order another of the same, in case it was a purposeful fipoff. So I ordered two different cases, in case one gets ripped off again. If I get both, maybe on will fit inside the other… Insane.

Anyway, it’s Saturday night, late. I’ll talk to you Monday morning, unless I lose the 10 minutes again.

Morning Routine

I have a fairly fixed morning routine. I get up about 5 till 5. After the bathroom, i take my medicine (blood pressure, vitamins etc). Then I make sure the dogs have food and water, check and water the indoor plants if necessary.

Then its time to feed the outdoor cats and walk and exercise the dogs. We walk almost exactly a mile, usually running between every other street light. Then when we get back it’s time for my exercise and meditation.

After that is lovey dovey time for the dogs. This is more their idea than mine. I pet them wrestle them a little and give them attention and they’re jumping and licking and loving it. Afterwards it’s shower time, and I make coffee while I get dressed for the day.

Then Duolingo (500+ day streak!) and post my post on this blog. And out the door by 7, check the yard and off to work!

That’s my morning routine, almost everyday, almost unchanging.

Have a great day!