Water Weekend

Saturday was an 800 meter swim I came in second out of 3 in my age group. I think I swam well and wanted first place.

Sunday I went out on a boat dive with Don Foster’s Dive Center it was quite nice.

Today I’m taking the dogs to get their shots this afternoon, early lunch hour. And tonight is the beginning of Passover. I’m going to a Seder.

Have a great week!

Queens Funeral Day

Today is the holiday for Queen Elizabeth II’s funeral. I watched lot of it, till they put the casket in the hearse.

it was a good, busy weekend. Saturday was the first session of four session Home Gardening Course. It was good and informative.

yesterday i went to an 0700 yoga class at One Heart then diving,

pike blenny

In the afternoon I went out on a boat trip to Stingray City.. My stingray pictures are still on the camera, but here’s the sunset

Had a big beef sausage and egg breakfast this morning and not i’ll probably putz around the yard today.

An Alternate Path?



It was a really good weekend. We had a friend of a friend visit, I went diving. And we went to the weigh-in of a fishing contest. While at the marina where the weigh-in was, I saw the sailboat above. The wife and I talked to the owners for about a half hour. Man O man, when I run into cool people like them, I feel like I could have taken an alternate path in this existence and been happy too. While I love  my life here, I sure would love to be on a sailboat, sailing around the world. They had great stories to tell in just the short time we talked. Hightailing it out of Colombia, after running into problems with the government, then hitting rough seas and considering turning back. Through the Panama Canal. We didn’t even scratch the surface, hearing the stories.

I could live that life.

Now it’s back to work, beach lunch and maybe a barbecue tonight.

Life is good, it’s too short, but life is good!

Have a good week!

I Forgot My Device!

  • I left my Nexus 7 at work (I hope, because I can’t find it) so I’m using my phone to post this post. Teeny tiny typing.
  • Now I’m going to try and upload some pictures.
  • And it’s making bullets.
  • They’re all ships.
  • 20150223_16413920150221_17583220150221_17582420150303_082337

Monday Morning Weekend Report.

It was a nice weekend mostly. We went out on the boat Saturday and Sunday. Saturday someone went with us and we had a “lesson” Sunday The Wife and I went out by ourselves.capn markSunday one of our chickens,  Grey, died. She quit eating and drinking Saturday, (I noticed) and Sunday she died. Right before my eyes. I had her in a shady, comfortable spot, and later I looked out and she was laying in the sun, wings splayed. Then she got up, and tried to walk and fell over backwards. I ran down there and moved her to the shade again. I tried to give her some sugar water but she wouldn’t take any. Then she fell over and I knew I was going to die. Her legs quivered, and I saw her tiny chest rise and fall one last time, and she  was gone. I think that was the first time I saw death like that. I knew what was happening. We buried her near her sister, Stripe.

So now it’s Monday, Here goes!

Good Monday Morning To You!

Back to work today. What a weekend. Saturday flew by. Saturday I looked at my watch and it was 11:30, five minutes later, it was 2:30, and five minutes after that it was 5:15! Today they should be delivering the boat we won, Holy  Cow, it’ll be real then!

Sunday we went snorkeling, and The Wife tested out her new Underwater Camera, a Nikon  AW 100. Blue.


She got some good shots even though visibility was crappy.

Yesterday I let the chickens out around noon, and when we got home from the beach they were nowhere to be found. We were afraid we lost them but at sunset, all four came home and didn’t even try to get away when I picked them up and put them in their cage. It was very  pleasing.

There has been another lost chick around all weekend, this morning I put her in the cage with ours, She is barely bigger than an egg. The Wife won’t be pleased.

It rained hard this morning but  now it’s all clear… Scooter or car? Scooter or car?


We Won A BOAT!!!!!





The Wife and I went out to lunch today, after we power washed the house and decks. After that, on impulse, we went to a boat show at Harbor House Marina. They were raffling off a cute little boat. My wife asked me if I’d like to win a boat, and I said “Not really, but I would like one of  those hats.” (everyone was wearing Harbor House Marina hats.) We went back inside and I found where they were giving the hats away, right next to where they were selling raffle tickets. The Wife bought a raffle ticket.

Then we went outside and there were hamburgers and stuff and a whole lot of people. Then came the drawing, we were so far away we couldn’t hear, so we went closer, just in time for the grand prize drawing, the boat. I went in shock when they called my name. I was zombified. I turned to look at the Wife and she was all excited, jumping up and down. I didn’t know she put the ticket in my name.

So they’re delivering the boat on Monday, I’m still in shock. I can’t wait to go out on it.

If I was going to buy a boat, it would be a boat just like the one we won.
