Back to work today. What a weekend. Saturday flew by. Saturday I looked at my watch and it was 11:30, five minutes later, it was 2:30, and five minutes after that it was 5:15! Today they should be delivering the boat we won, Holy Cow, it’ll be real then!
Sunday we went snorkeling, and The Wife tested out her new Underwater Camera, a Nikon AW 100. Blue.

She got some good shots even though visibility was crappy.
Yesterday I let the chickens out around noon, and when we got home from the beach they were nowhere to be found. We were afraid we lost them but at sunset, all four came home and didn’t even try to get away when I picked them up and put them in their cage. It was very pleasing.
There has been another lost chick around all weekend, this morning I put her in the cage with ours, She is barely bigger than an egg. The Wife won’t be pleased.
It rained hard this morning but now it’s all clear… Scooter or car? Scooter or car?