I finished this boook over the weekend. I couldn’t put it down.
The years is 2034, US Ships put out a fire on a fishing trawler in the South China Sea. The US boards and finds that it’s really a spy boat.
China wants it’s trawler back, then sinks all three US Ships when the US doesn’t comply. They are somehow able to jam and disable all the ships weapons and communications.
A US Pilot, testing some stealth technology, goes into Iranian airspace The Iranians are able to remote control his plane and land him in Iran.
The US government has a huge black out of their computer networking systems. All internal and external communications are lost.
US sends two carrier groups to the South China Sea because of the lost ahips. Both carriers and all the support ships are sunk. The Chinese are able to jam all their onboard systems and the systems on the aircraft.
The USN loses a quarter of it’s fleet that day
The US pulls it’s ships from the North Sea to attend the South China Sea incidents. The Russians, unsupervised, blow up all the USA’s undersea fiber optic cables. They take over some NATO territory.
Iran takes over territory in and near the Straight Of Hormuz
Using World war II technology, the US nukes a Chinese city. In escalation, China bombs to US cities. The US makes preparations to nuke 3 Chinese cities.
that’s all I’m going to tell you, you have to read the book!
today is my first day of work since my eye surgery. We’ll see how the computer looks, my prescription in my glasses is not correct anymore. It will be interesting times.
have a great week!