Home Gardening Course

Yesterday I signed up for the Home Gardening Course below. I’m looking forward to it. I have had quite mixed and unpredictable behavior from the plants I grow.

This course will be very helpful to me. It takes place on four Saturdays, 9 till noon.

Big time dentist today, titanium implanted in the skull.

i will be glad when I get home tonight!

Happy Friday! Hope you have a fantastic weekend!

Screen House Garden

Above are yesterdays pictures of the plants in the “Screen House”. Top left are some giveaway plants. They are really nice as when it rains, they hold a drop of water in their petals like a jewel. They grow well under almost all conditions and turn red after time in the sun. Top right is a wide angle shot that shows almost everything going on inside the Screen House.

Bottom left are radishes, beans and broccoli. I think they’re growing too slow, probably not enough light. Bottom right is cherry tomatoes and cucumbers. They seem healthy, but are holding steady and not growing much. Maybe not enough light. There’s a huge poinciana tree there that I wish I had planted at the side of the yard instead of the center. I trimmed it back I thought too far but it comes back thicker and thicker.

Dodged the bullet again on jury duty yesterday. I saved my own butt. I don’t have to report again until next week.

Aaaaand its almost FRIDAY!!



Yesterday, after the rain, I saw quite a few worms on the surface of the dirt on the planters. These aren’t wet, slimy earthworms, they’re dry bodied and kinda hard shelled. I’m assuming they’re not harmful but I have to find out.

Im running a little slow this morning and have to git goin’!

Have a wonderful day!

Weekend Wrapped Up.

Let me start by saying, I binge-watched Stranger Things season 4. It was quite good. Worth watching, definitely.

Yesterday, went diving, below are pictures, with captions, of course.

Ava the avocado tree in the ground!

Above, you will see a tree for which I dug a whole hole, twice as deep as it needed. I put a lot of good potting soil underneath. The tree is a she, and her name is Ava the Avocado tree.

And now, it is Monday, and I must again report for jury duty. I am not looking forward to it. Hopefully I can dodge that bullet again.

Have a fantabulous week!

Delicious Peppers

Daisy doesn’t like peppers.

I finally picked the two peppers that were on my bush. The plant seemed to be waiting before producing more. I cut one up and put half on today’s lunch wrap, and ate the other half, man o man, it was good. Just a plain bell pepper never tasted so good. I’m looking forward to lots more. I planted more a couple days ago.

Happy Friday!

Pretty Caterpillars

There was a whole slew of giant caterpillars eating one of my trees. Here’s a short video. The big ones were 7 or 8 inches long. Most were big.

I sprayed them yesterday. I may have to spray again in a few weeks but I think not. I did not enjoy killing sushi pretty things but the tree’s life has value too.

Happy Friday! Happy Constitution Day weekend! Coincidentally this year, American 4th of July falls on the same day. Monday is a holiday here and in the USA.

Also this weekend is Cayman Carnival! That’s gonna be fun!

Have a great weekend!

gardening progress

Yesterday i made some real progress in the gardening. I got the dirt, a dozen bags, and I found a store that sells more seeds. I put he dirt in the newly refurbished / lidded planters, and am ready to plant. There’s two more planters in the backyard too.

Wonder where I can get some cow seeds? I’d love it if I could grow some hamburgers!

So this afternoon, seeds go in the dirt!

Have a great day!

Really Good Weekend!

It was a really good weekend. I got the front yard mowed in between downpours, I fixed a silly mistake I made on one of the anti chicken lids on the planters. I re-did the tripod that is helping the Otaheite apple tree stand up straight (I think it’s slowly falling over since it fell in Hurricane Grace and I stood it back up). I cleaned the floors in the whole house. I dissected a cherry tomato and planted the seeds. (We’ll see how many come up.) And I went to a “Sashing” for the Cayman Islands Miss Universe contestants. It was super fun!

Lisa is sponsored by One Heart, and she works there. I was invited to attend by the owner. I was so happy to be there!

Sunday morning I slept 90 minutes later than usual, which is huge for me. I barely stayed up past my normal bedtime. I got up at 6:30! Can you believe it!?

And now it’s a back to work Monday. Weather’s supposed to improve. I can mow the back yard this week!

Have a great week!

Suddenly Seemingly Overwhelmed

Seems like suddenly, things around the house are out of control. The yard is a disaster because I didn’t mow. (weed killer experiment). The inside needs cleaning really bad. The floor especially. And I have repairs to do and a tree to put in the ground and I need to make a list.

Maybe I should take a couple vacation days and do some work around the house.

We’re almost half way through the week. Looking forward to the weekend already. There’s not much to report on around here.

have a good day!