Tropical Storm Fiona is born. She’s probably going to curve north of Cayman.
There was good, steady rain last night and this morning.
King Charles already disgusted me, he said everybody has to delay the funerals on September 19th until after the Queen’s funeral so we could all mourn the Queen properly. I have a friend from here who was getting buried there on the 19th.
And Friday is almost here again. Yeay! This weekend my Home Gardening course starts.
today is my first day of jury duty. It goes on until October 2nd. That is a ridiculously long time. I am really not looking forward to it. On the bright side, it can’t possibly be as bad as I expect.
Above is a screenshot from an internet search Dondice Occidentalis.
Below is a picture I took yesterday of a Dondice Occidentalis.
Dondice Occidentalis by me.
The picture above is quite good, I think, except for the excellent camouflage.
It was a good long weekend. I got a lot (half) of the items on my list done, planted seeds, replanted an ailing lemon tree, which was like an exploratory surgery that didn’t find anything wrong.
Yesterday was a holiday Wednesday for the election. Today seems like the second monday this week. Glad tomorrow is the second Friday this week. I am very tired right now. I closed my eyes and could have fallen asleep while walking the dogs this morning.
Here’s a picture of Ashy, our cat, taken yesterday. She’s resting up for bedtime.
I’ll be perusing the election results today, but at first glance this morning, seems like we did coulda done better.
MY Governor, Governor Bruce Dinwiddie, passed away day before yesterday. He was my favorite Governor of all the Governors that have been here since I have. I was working at Radio Cayman and I met him a several times. I always had interesting conversations with him the few times we spoke. We were both at Diego Garcia, a military island/atoll in the Indian Ocean. He knew me and said hi if he could when he saw me.
Once, in the sea at the Governors residence, I was telling a visitor “That’s the Governors house. The Governor lives right there, and no Governor ever goes to the beach or comes in the sea!” I heard a noise, or something made me turn around, and there was Governor Dinwiddie, up to his neck in the sea, wearing some goofy looking swim goggles. He was looking right at me and heard every word I said. I laughed and said “Hi Governor Dinwiddie!” He broke into his big toothy smile and I can’t remember what he said, but it was funny because everyone knew I stuck my foot deep in my own mouth.
He was young and I don’t think he died of natural causes, but I don’t have any more details. I hope he didn’t suffer and I send my condolences to his family and friends.