Flippy Floppy

Daisy was very good this morning. We walked right past her enemy dog and she didn’t bark or growl. Maybe I should give her more time to get her crap together.

Damned if I do, damned if I don’t . Flippy Floppy

Only One Shower A Week?!?

Awww Hell no!

I read an article, somebody is saying we only need to take one shower a week. Read the article here.

I take at least 3 a day. Morning, after swimming, after work, before bed.

One a week? Only if you want to be a skuzzbucket!

This weekend a lot of places are getting an eclipse. Not here. I do hope to be under a total eclipse on a clear day someday, but that won’t be this weekend for me. I’ll be doing laundry and yard work and having a dog assessed. Below is an eclipse Shadow on Earth taken from the Mir space station.

have a great weekend!

4 Day Weekend

Day one of the four day weekend starts with dick clouds and strong winds, and no rain. It is not going to rain no matter what, Seems like.

I’m still seeing a counselor about my divorce. But it not really about the divorce anymore.. My counselor said yesterday that my self-loathing undoes the therapy in between sessions. I recommended a lobotomy. Ha ha!

Have a great weekend!

Safe Places

This morning I was thinking about my grandparents. It started with gratitude for their existence. I started thinking about how I used to like it when we visited them. It occurred to me just this morning that, besides loving my grandparents, their farm was a safe place, my father would (probably) behave himself and I didn’t have to be on guard against “attack” while at my grandparents.

When I was in my one year marriage in the year 2000, one particular friends apartment was a safe place. My ex wife and I would go there for dinner and a movie and I knew that for those four hours of hanging out, my ex would probably not go bat shit crazy. In hindsight, I was more or less constantly under attack from her except for those hours. I was vey aware of this peaceful sanctuary, even then.

It occurrs to me that since then, there have been very few similar places. Even this house, my house, with me in it by myself isn’t, and I’ll have to figure out why.

There’s also “Safe People”, trustable. My 15 year ex wife started out “safe” (I’ll have to define what Safe means in my head too.) but changed to unsafe so subtly I didn’t notice the change. I’m aware that I’m probably not a “safe person” to other people either, by my own definition, whatever that is. I’m moody and sometimes crabby and perceive threat when there is none.

It’s odd that I’m just thinking about this now. I know someone has discussed the concept with me before, but I didn’t hear or understand or couldn’t apply it till now.



ive been going through (another) period where there seems to be no topics for me to post about, or, I don’t like the posts I post.

Ive gotten to the point where I’m going to accept being single. I’ve asked everybody I’m interested in out, they all said no, there’s nobody.

Seems like

I’m 63, I don’t want to be looking for a girlfriend like some teenager, I want to be in an established marriage. The fact that I’m in a situation where I’m looking for a partner is embarrassing and humiliating.

theres worse things than being single.

“Lost” His Plane?

In yesterdays news, there was a story about a “missing” F-35. The pilot ejected safely after a “mishap”. But the plane was “missing”…. Later, the wreckage was found.. two hours away. .

The article just said two hours, it didn’t specify two hours by air, car or turtle ride, just two hours.

Now, I could be wrong, as I frequently am, but the first thing that popped into my head, was that the “mishap” was that the pilot ejected unintentionally, and the plane, being just fine, kept on flying by itself. It was missing till they found where it crashed….

Thats my unsubstantiated theory….

“I was just tryin’ to find the little lever that scoots the seat back!”

What say you??

Happy Tuesday !

Deja Vu?

It was a medium niceness weekend. Pickleball and dinner out Friday evening. Saturday I cleaned up from the work last week, Sunday morning I went to the beach till about noon, then was supposed to meet my new “reliable” pet sitter about my trip to the US in under two weeks. She didn’t show, and there was no communication, beside that she was coming “after church”, which is approximately noon.

if you recall a similar experience with the pet sitter who backed out and caused me to waste my ticket to Jamaica. That was last July I think.

When the petsitter did reappear in the evening, she apologized but seemed to get angry with me because I had expected her to show up.

do I give another chance? Or try and find somebody else?

Above is a picture of Venus and the moon, taken this morning.

Have a great week!

The Social One

Last night at class I introduced myself to someone. We traded names and she seemed kind of familiar and I asked if we’d met before. She said she had seen me around, that I was the “social one”. I was taken aback and kind of walked away in a curving loop back to her and said “I’m not really social, actually, I’m really quite shy.”

Nobody has ever said anything like that about me. The social one Hahahahahaha! I generally see myself as sullen, grumpy, unapproachable, and always alone.

Kind of, if I don’t look directly at it, I can almost see the problem, the insanity, the pieces that don’t fit together. The grumpy bastard and “the social one”. The two extremes with nothing in between. (I’m told there IS nothing in between, but not sure I believe it yet.)

It was an interesting experience. A view from a different angle.

Have a great day!

Turn Off Upcoming Alarm?

Most mornings, I notice my watch buzz inappropriately. This morning i discovered it was my phone asking me if I wanted to turn off the upcoming alarm! Is it just me, or is that a moronic question to ask? Waking me up to tell me i have to wake up in half an hour, do I want to turn off the alarm? The answer is not only no, but hell no! And furthermore, If i wanted to be awakened a half hour earlier than the time for which I set the alarm, I would have set the alarm for a half hour earlier!

Needless to say, today I will figure out how to turn off this rediculous notification.


Happy Thursday!