Costa Rican Coffee

My friends got back from Costa Rica and brought me coffee from my Tia Cynthia. I can’t wait to try it.

I feel nostalgic about the coffee, my friends visiting the familiar house of my Aunt. I wonder if I’ll ever be there again? The last time I was there, I never dreamed it would be the last time I’d be there.

Happy Thursday !


I am GLAD it’s the weekend. Every day this week has seemed like Friday.

My pickleball yesterday was cancelled, now it’s the next two Thursdays.

This is my last “Normal” weekend until the second weekend in March. I have visitors and events until then.

Today Goldie is going to the vets. He quit grooming himself like Ashy did. I’m not attributing it to dental this time.

Tomorrow morning is a 5K walk. (yes, walk, not run)

Addison is an impossibly young girl who committed suicide. This memorial for her is for awareness of mental health and abuse issues.

Have a good weekend!

RIP Ashy

“End Stage Kidney Failure* that’s what the vet said when she told me about the results of Ashy’s blood tests. I could hospitalize her, take her home and let her misery increase to intolerance, or she could go to sleep now. Sheba went through option A, Ditto, option B, So I chose option C for Ashy.

Unsure, i asked the vet what if this is want she would do, and she said yes.

I called the ex wife, who came and said goodbye. Then she left and we did it

I buried Ashy under the Ceiba tree in the front yard. It’s a shady, cool dry spot. Better than anywhere in the back yard. And the lattice you see is screwed into the tree roots to keep chickens and anything else from digging there. Although she’s quite deep.

In her box, she looks like she’s taking a nap, on her bed, curled up nice and cozy with a blanket over her. She looked asleep.

I am so sad. She was the greatest cat ever. I miss her.

in other news, the van started leaking power steering fluid really badly, and is in the shop. Scooter today, rain or shine.

Happy Friday to you, have a good weekend.

Queen Elizabeth II

Queen Elizabeth II died yesterday. It is truly the end of an era. Nearly everyone alive today has never experienced life without her.

Her Majesty’ visited the Caymanislands twice, 1983 and 1994. HERE is a short video.

Charles is King now. Long live the king.

Our Last Few Hours

Today I will probably go sign the petition for divorce submitted to my lawyer by my estranged wife’s lawyer. It has already been signed by her. The documents will then go through the court system where they will probably be processed by some clerk. We won’t know the exact moment we are no longer married, but the moment I sign the document today, both of us have taken all the action we will take for a divorce. So kind of, these are our last few hours married.

In a month or so, we’ll both get called to the courthouse to pick up our documents. Our own document of divorce.

I don’t feel like a divorce was necessary. I don’t think we had any big problems that couldn’t be easily remedied. I feel like I imagine I’d feel having a healthy arm and healthy leg removed just for the fun of it. I still love her and I will always love her.

Today is a sad day indeed.

Eleven Dash Eleven

Yesterday I received the petition for divorce from my wife’s attorney.

I guess the end is near. Today I will reluctantly venture to my attorney to sign it. He will turn it in to the court system that will end my beloved marriage. I don’t want any of this to be happening.

It is a wholly lugubrious day. Rain driving against the windows, thunder and lighting. Total darkness at the hour the sun usually starts to lighten things up.

Eleven – Eleven. A day that will live in lugubriosity.

New Glasses

I went to the optometrist yesterday because I needed new glasses. My old glasses were horrible and I complained about them constantly and took them back several times. I went back to my original optometrist who agreed they were screwed up. Below are the glasses I should get in a couple weeks. Sorry I didn’t smile for the picture, I just wanted to see what they looked like. At the time, I didn’t think I would be posting the picture.

Also yesterday I was told that I have cataracts starting up in my right eye and probably glaucoma in my left. I have to go see a specialist and probably undergo surgery. Eye surgery is my greatest nightmare. But on another level I don’t even care.

My wife wants to meet with me Wednesday, I assume she wants to discuss divorce. I am full of fear and nervous and sad. But for about 5 minutes I imagined she might say she wants to come back home and I was really happy for about those 5 minutes. Then I woke up and shook myself out of it.

Have a fantastic day, I know I will!

Ya Know What Grinds My Gears?

YouTube “videos” that are really slideshows. That really gets under my skin. There ought to be a special rule or category so you know it’s not a video before you click it.

The above was in a list of topics to post for when I can’t think of a topic.

Today the wife starts moving out. I’m sure I’ll be shocked when I get home tonight. I want to take pictures of everything so I can remember what it was like. I’m going to miss her and her stuff.

Talk to you tomorrow.

Not the best holiday

Back to work today after 10 days off, 4 vacation days, 2 holiday days and 4 weekend days. These last few days have been pretty poor.

Flew my first two flights on a Boeing Max 8. Didn’t crash.

Went to my friends funeral Saturday.

I did, after the funeral, have a very nice lunch at a very nice hotel.


Not the best of times for me, but you have a good week!