There’s been a cold going around for a long time. The Wife had it, I didn’t get it. People at work had it, I didn’t get it. Just when it seemed the coast was clear, I got it..
I ordered a new camera, it should arrive today. It’s a video camera as big as a pack of cigarettes, with a waterproof case good to 60 meters. I always wanted a GoPro camera, but this is better. Same specs, better battery and it has a display so you can see what you’re recording (or playback what you recorded.) It is a “veho VCC-005 MUVI HD NPNG Action Camcorder“. And it costs a lot less. And it has a remote control. I wonder if the remote control is waterproof too? UPS Gets it here in one day, amazing!
Anyway I went to work yesterday and took off early, I’m going today and I’m not taking off.